Recent content by luxorr

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  1. L

    ftp connection to usb

    hi @kamoj this option are unavailable (grey color - click on do nothing)- Roter R9000 please see screenshot
  2. L

    Kamoj Kamoj Addon 5.5 Beta for Netgear R7800/R8900/R9000 with Voxel FW

    Hi All regarding "AdGuard login" - username & password not working found on usb device file "AdguardHome.yaml" an there: using this details for login trought- Kamoj Menu-AdguardHome; but get error could you advice please
  3. L

    ftp connection to usb

    Hi @kamoj I have R9000 and cannot make connetion to ftp, see attached pictures of my setting.. where is problem and why not working ftp on WIN10 thank you firmware: setting readyshare: Total commander ftp setting: "Password" are password to router
  4. L

    Kamoj Kamoj Addon 5.5 Beta for Netgear R7800/R8900/R9000 with Voxel FW

    adguard home installed succesfull im sorry , but what are username ; password , please?
  5. L

    Kamoj Kamoj Addon 5.5 Beta for Netgear R7800/R8900/R9000 with Voxel FW

    what do you meaning "remove the leading" could you help with full command for telnet with full patch please thank you
  6. L

    Kamoj Kamoj Addon 5.5 Beta for Netgear R7800/R8900/R9000 with Voxel FW

    just info both files are downloaded correctlly (hope) root@R9000:/tmp/mnt/sda1$ ls kamoj-addon_240405-153039-5.5b41.md5 kamoj-addon_240405-153039-5.5b41_r9000.ipk
  7. L

    Kamoj Kamoj Addon 5.5 Beta for Netgear R7800/R8900/R9000 with Voxel FW

    good afternoon @kamoj could you advise where i did mistake. have problem to installing last addon root@R9000:/tmp/mnt/sda1$ /bin/opkg install -V1 --force-overwrite /kamoj-addon_240405-153039-5.5b41_r9000.ipk Collected errors: * wfopen: /kamoj-addon_240405-153039-5.5b41_r9000.ipk: No such...
  8. L

    ftp connection to usb

    hi @Voxel; @kamoj just wonder why cannot make connetction to usb throught ftp? would like to copy file to usb but filezilla or total comander not let me acces to usb on the router. need it something somewhere to activate in router setup, or kamoj setting? could you advise please thank you
  9. L

    Voxel Custom firmware build for R7800 v.

    hi what format USB stick you recomendete? FAT32 , EXT4 or NTSF what is max- min size ? Please advise thank you
  10. L

    Clone serial number

    Have R900 and Voxel firmware. My IPTV provider using router serial number instead Mac address. Could be possible to addin/ clone serial number? Thank you
  11. L

    Voxel Custom firmware build for R7800 v.

    Thank you Voxel. SSL 1.1.1 will be supported until 2023-09-11 (LTS) SSL 3.0 will be supported until 2026-09-07 (LTS) any plan for update SSL?
  12. L

    R7800 - telnet - No such file or directory

    thanks for clarify. will flash tomorrow .
  13. L

    R7800 - telnet - No such file or directory

    its works. Thank you. telnet now active. with way to flash Voxel firmware? see first post please.
  14. L

    R7800 - telnet - No such file or directory

    My R7800 have original firmware v1.0.2.62. Telnet not work for some reason opening browser(chrome) /type - get message- No such file or directory opening putty/ password / screen closed immediately did restarting router couple times nothing change. planning flash...