Recent content by Rajjco

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  1. R

    VPNMON VPNMON-R3 v1.3.5 -May 11, 2024- Monitor WAN/Dual-WAN/VPN Health & Reset Multiple OpenVPN Connections (Now available in AMTM!)

    It is possible to stop AGH from logging requests coming out of the router from the client settings menu. Don't worry about It I'll just leave it as it is if nothing can be done about it. Edit: Found the setting to not log specific domains was under General settings in AGH. It no longer shows...
  2. R

    VPNMON VPNMON-R3 v1.3.5 -May 11, 2024- Monitor WAN/Dual-WAN/VPN Health & Reset Multiple OpenVPN Connections (Now available in AMTM!)

    It's not a huge concern tbh I was just trying to find a way to reduce the amount of requests shown In Adguard home logs It's currently sitting as the top queried domain. I'd rather not mess with the script if that's acctually how it is intended to work. Here is a live demonstration of how...
  3. R

    VPNMON VPNMON-R3 v1.3.5 -May 11, 2024- Monitor WAN/Dual-WAN/VPN Health & Reset Multiple OpenVPN Connections (Now available in AMTM!)

    Hello @Viktor Jaep I Noticed plenty of api requests In Adguard home to around 9.6k requests In two days. Will adding a 10 second sleep at the end of the while loop reduce cpu cycles and reduce the load on the api to avoid the risk of hitting rate limits? The function starts at...
  4. R

    sbnMerlin 1.2.4 - Network Isolation Tool based on Guest Networks, May 11 2024

    Hello there. I have a second asus router running in AP mode/DHCP Server Turned off and would like to setup and isolate the guest network on It and just allow dns requests to pass through to the main network to be filtered main network located at Is this possible with this script...
  5. R

    VPNMON VPNMON-R3 Custom Server List Generation Tutorials and Examples

    Yep just tested the for loop sample i posted in VPNMON it wasn't detected as a valid command i had to reformat it all on a single line : for i in {1..5}; do curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors...
  6. R

    VPNMON VPNMON-R3 Custom Server List Generation Tutorials and Examples

    Glad you liked it! I'm a self taught Python developer I try to use flexible Python methods in other languages using some prompt engineering ;)
  7. R

    VPNMON VPNMON-R3 Custom Server List Generation Tutorials and Examples

    Since PIA rotates their servers and only returns a couple of ip's per request you can use this command to grab more ip's if you wish. It will grab more ip's using a for loop and show only the unique ones. for i in {1..5}; do curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6...
  8. R

    Entware Possibility of installing sponsorblock on asus-merlin router?

    iSponsorBlockTV requires Docker which is not available on Entware. sbremote packages require Python development headers Entware does not include a package for Python development headers.
  9. R

    TAILMON [RELEASE] TAILMON v1.0.12 -May 23, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    Connecting to raspberrypi using local ip 192.168.*.* works normally In kernel mode. If your trying to access using Tailnet ip which starts with 100.*.*.* requires the user to serve the services on Tailnet. To access from the Internet remotely you need to use funnel. Here are examples from...
  10. R

    VPNMON VPNMON-R3 v1.3.5 -May 11, 2024- Monitor WAN/Dual-WAN/VPN Health & Reset Multiple OpenVPN Connections (Now available in AMTM!)

    My bad didn't notice there was a dedicated thread for server list content I will post there In the future if I find anything useful.
  11. R

    VPNMON VPNMON-R3 v1.3.5 -May 11, 2024- Monitor WAN/Dual-WAN/VPN Health & Reset Multiple OpenVPN Connections (Now available in AMTM!)

    Sorry for spamming the thread Viktor. Here is a command that only shows Secure Core Servers for a given country using this list will enable Proton's secure server connections which is basically a multi-hop vpn connection more info at Secure Core curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3...
  12. R

    VPNMON VPNMON-R3 v1.3.5 -May 11, 2024- Monitor WAN/Dual-WAN/VPN Health & Reset Multiple OpenVPN Connections (Now available in AMTM!)

    Here is a ProtonVPN command that filters servers based on load by adding a condition. It will grab servers with a load less than or equal to %20 select(.EntryCountry=="US" and .Load < 20) curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors...
  13. R

    TAILMON [RELEASE] TAILMON v1.0.12 -May 23, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    Have you checked your firewall rules on the RPi devices? sudo ufw status numbered
  14. R

    Announcement: 3006 progress report - it's a go

    Any chance to make Guest Network Pro work on devices running in AP Mode?