Recent content by xlarge

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  1. X

    Solved OpenVPN start cut 99% of my internet connection

    The question is solved, but howto set SOLVED in front of the thread-heading?
  2. X

    Solved OpenVPN start cut 99% of my internet connection

    Fantastic, drabisan, you made my day."Lan only" work fine and now I have regained full internet speed even when the OpenVPN tunnel is on. I didn't need to change client1.
  3. X

    Solved OpenVPN start cut 99% of my internet connection

    Thanks, I'll try it tomorrow and let you know.
  4. X

    Solved OpenVPN start cut 99% of my internet connection

    The solution is near, thank you very, very much. I enclose picture of vpn general settings and there I have used "both". Changing it to "Lan only" is your advice? I suppose such change need export of a new client1? (I have earlier exported both client1 and client2 files and can test on client2.
  5. X

    Solved OpenVPN start cut 99% of my internet connection

    Very good, thank you. But must ask, do you mean that I change settings on the remote server (where the OpenVPN server is). I enclose a picture of the servers settings. What to change? Can Samba on my new router cause the problem?
  6. X

    Solved OpenVPN start cut 99% of my internet connection

    Thank you very much, drabisan. I can't remember / have no statistic on the speed on the tunnel before, but it was no problem and much better than now. Off course I have restarted the remote router and happy to be able to do it through the alarm system. The remote router use a wireless provider...
  7. X

    Solved OpenVPN start cut 99% of my internet connection

    Sorry for late answer, but due to heavy thunderstorm I haven't dared to put any computer on. I am using the latest firmware on my RT-AX86U pro router. Everything works fine including when I click the OpenVPN Gui icon - (places the little square down right on my screen). But as soon as I open and...
  8. X

    Solved OpenVPN start cut 99% of my internet connection

    I have the last days troubled with low speed on internet. Spite fiber. Therefore and because it was 12 years old, my provider installed a new house-central to days ago. It helped not som much and my old ASUS AC68-U is now also replaced with ASUS RT-AX86U Pro. Everything worked perfect until I...
  9. X

    Upgrade from asus RT68U

    OK, may be some other member will recommend the merlin software?
  10. X

    Upgrade from asus RT68U

    Hi OzarkEdge, Thank you very much. You: "I would install current ASUSWRT firmware, Hard Reset it to its default settings, and then configure it however you want. Once you're satisfied with the new router hardware, use whatever firmware you want." And looking at your own setup "My ASUSWRT 5.0...
  11. X

    Upgrade from asus RT68U

    Thanks, OzarkEdge. I just bought RT-AX86U and spite minor problems it is up and go now. The manual says use the pw on back on the router, but I was never asked for pw. Quite dirty and dangerous from Asus. I of course instead used cable and spite Firefox was one preferred, it don't worked. But...
  12. X

    Upgrade from asus RT68U

    My old Asus RT-AC68U can't be reached unless from the app, not via ip-number. And it sometimes reject to give me full internet speed. I think there is time for a new one, but which one - in the same price level? I have used Asus for over 20 years, and would prefer them further. There is no need...
  13. X

    iVMS-4500 on iphone

    Thanks, L&LD. Downloaded and installed, and works. Superb!
  14. X

    iVMS-4500 on iphone

    Hi, L&LD. I need iVMS-4500 for iphone 14 pro, not android. The APK-version seems only to be for android.