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  • SNBForums Code of Conduct

    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. P

    Skynet Hundreds of Outbound Blocks from Pi-hole

    Hi all, I just got my Pi-hole up and running and noticed in Skynet hundreds of blocked outbound connections originating with the Pi-hole device. Is this normal?
  2. P

    Can’t See Raspberry Pi in Clients List

    Hi all, I’m setting up a few Pi-holes on my network and I can’t see them on my clients list on my AX86U running the latest firmware. I had hoped to plug in the unit, identify it on the router, assign a static IP there, and then continue with a headless setup. Since I couldn’t find the Pi, I...
  3. P

    Painfully Slow GUI on AX86U

    Hi all, suddenly the web GUI for my AX86U is stunningly slow. I can barely load up the main config page, let alone any of the subpages. I’m currently running AMTM with Diversion and Skynet. Any ideas for a likely culprit?
  4. P

    Unable to select “Get the dns from your ISP automatically”

    Hi, everyone. I’ve been using a custom DNS for a long time, but for various reasons I’d like to go back using the DNS assigned by the ISP automatically. However, for some reason I can’t seem to select that option in the ”Assign” DNS menu. All the other radio buttons (e.g., Adguard, Google...
  5. P

    Bypassing ISP's Transparent Proxy with Merlin

    Hi all, So, here's the situation. I currently live in Nigeria. Until a few days ago, I was successfully using a smart DNS service (Unblock Us) to access region restricted content such as Netflix, Hulu, etc. I've been using this service instead of a VPN because the latter slows my already...