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  • SNBForums Code of Conduct

    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. D

    Manually Assigned IP Address Not Respected for Repeater

    Hello. My main router is an Asus GS-AX3000. I have recently added an old Asus RT-N10+ configured as a repeater for the 2.4Ghz signal. I try to keep statically assigned IP for all the devices on my LAN and when I added the repeater, I specified the RT-N10+'s 2 interfaces as shown on the...
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    Troubles w/Rosewill RNX-N300RT As Wifi/Ethernet Bridge

    Hello and thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this... I need to replace the old Asus RTN-10 that I have been running w/Tomato as my Wifi/Ethernet Bridge because it is sometimes acting funky... I have an old but far less used Rosewill RNX-N300RT on which I have installed DD-WRT...
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    How To Block/Unblock Internet Access For A Single Device/IP via Command Line on AsusWRT?

    Hello. I have an Asus GS-AX3000 and connected to it I have a device that insists upon having an internet connection (don't know why) about every 30 days. If it does not, it simply stops functioning and starts beeping all the time. Otherwise, I have no reason at all to allow this device to have...
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    Entware ntpd on Stock Firmware for GS-AX3000?

    Hello and thanks in advance for any help offered... I have a GS-AX3000 running stock AsusWrt. I have managed to install/run some Entware utilities on the USB drive stuck in the router - especially tcpdump but also less, netstat, and I execute a script in /jffs/scripts via the nvram variable...
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    Could GS-AX3000 NOT be passing UDP to Internet?

    My GS-AX3000 is on and I know this is not up-to-date but I see no compelling reason to update and risk an otherwise working system at this time. I have a large number of wifi-enabled thermometers that operate by sending UDP messages to an internet server containing the current...
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    Cannot Post To Asus ROG Forums - Captcha

    Anyone know what is happening with this? I cannot post at all to the Asus ROG Router Forum. It seems there is a Captcha issue. Instead of the usual, it reads "ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key"
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    Questions About Moving to on GS-AX3000?

    I have been waiting for an update for this router of mine that will fix a problem I have discussed here. From what I see in the release notes: (a) I am not at all convinced that this problem has even been addressed and (b) I see a TON of other stuff that seems quite new an different - and...
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    GS-AX3000 Crashes When Connected Device Looses Power

    Ever since I got my GS-AX3000 with the latest firmware, I have had a problem whereby the router crashes when I turn off my Vizio Smart TV which is connected via ethernet. I originally started discussing it here. I have reported all this to Asus with detailed logs and such, to which I have never...
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    The Limits of a GS-AX3000

    I purchased a GS-AX3000 to replace a Netgear R6400. The Netgear simply could not seem to keep up with the number of devices I was trying to connect to it. That number was about 17 (mostly wifi but several wired too). At this point, adding another device caused problems with connections being...
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    Crashlog on GS-AX3000. Can you decipher?

    Hello all and thanks in advance for any pointers on this... My relatively new GS-AX3000 with latest stock AsusWRT sometimes crashes. Last night it did it a 5pm pretty much on the dot. I was able to extract the crashlog entries from syslog - ignore the date/time shown as I guess these are...
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    Occasional Strange UDP Handling on GS-AX3000 - Any Ideas?

    I am trying to resolve a problem with a wifi IoT device that communicates through my GS-AX3000 via UDP to a server on the WAN to report temperature. I have several of these and, at times, all of them appear to go offline. By this, I mean they seem to no longer be delivering UDP packets to the...
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    In telent shell, less command will not accept many commands including / and h

    I am not sure what is happening here at all. But in a telnet or ssh shell on my new GS-AX3000, the less command (pretty standard, busybox stuff) refuses to respond to many keyboard commands. Most significant to me is the lack of the find (/) but there are others too. I can see that the go (G)...
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    Unable to see most UDP in tcpdump output on GS-AX3000

    I am new to modern Asus routers and just got my 1st GS-AX3000. I managed to install Entware on the USB drive and installed the Entware tcpdump package so I can capture packets passing in the router and view them in Wireshark. I was pretty easily able to do this with my old Netgear R6400 (both v1...
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    Use old DdWrt/OpenWrt/Tomato Router As Pihole-Like Device?

    Hello. I hope I am posting in the right place. I just replaced my old router with an Asus GS-AX3000. One apparent side-benefit of doing this is that even the stock firmware on this router allows me to specify the IP to use as the DNS server handed to DHCP clients. I have never before had a...
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    Merlin on GS-AX3000?

    I just got a new GS-AX3000 and I find that it does not have a tcpdump binary installed in the stock firmware. I really need that ability and I see that there is a package for it in Merlin. But it appears that Merlin does not support this router. I see that it does support the RT-AX58U/RT-AX3000...
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    Alternative to Netgear R6400 v2 For 30+ Devices - mostly 2.4Ghz IoT/Smarthome Stuff? Many Requirements

    Netgear recently replaced my R6400 v1 with a v2 after I began having problems of wifi connections being suddenly and inexplicably "lost". They would disappear from the connected devices list - sometimes I could still ping the devices, but not always. It would take a reboot of the router or a...