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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

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  1. S

    RT-N66R stopped working, lights flashing

    I use an old WRT54G as a bridge. I flashed DD-WRT firmware on it about 10 years ago.. watched youtube and netflix with a device plugged into it as recently last night. It seems to be *much* faster than connecting wifi directly from each device, especially the game consoles.
  2. S

    [380 legacy] DNSSEC no longer compatible with 380.70

    Very tiny suggestion to use nano for newbies. :) It's a much simpler editor and the commands are right there on the bottom (CTRL-X to save&exit). I use vi, myself, but if you're not familiar with or literate on Unix platforms, nano (formerly pico) is the way to go: nano dnsmasq.conf
  3. S

    RTN66U Losing internet - always solved by pulling cable??

    I'd first simply power if off for a couple of minutes and then power it back on. Are there any errors in the log on the comcast modem? You didn't specify which device you have but for many (Arris) it's at EDIT: I noticed pptpd running in your logs. Are you using PPTP...
  4. S

    Is "nic 100%" normal? RT-N66U with Merlin firmware

    D'oh! Thanks for showing me what I should have already known. I will now go hide somewhere in embarrassment.
  5. S

    Is "nic 100%" normal? RT-N66U with Merlin firmware

    It could be all in my head, but it seems like this router gets slower after it's been up a while. I switched from stock to Merlin firmware a few weeks ago and it seems better but sometimes it feels like it gets stuck a little every so often. Is it normal to see 98-100% under "nic" when...