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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. ExtremeFiretop

    Asuswrt-Merlin Addon Software Catalog

    The list of bright people in SNB forums is too long to count. It's amazing what magic can happen when you have so many people with knowledge and skill contribute in one place.
  2. ExtremeFiretop

    Asuswrt-Merlin Addon Software Catalog

    "Becoming" legendary? Let me put it this way, I don't know any other router that can track a solar eclipse. Viktor is just legendary in finding things for your Asus router to do. I think he dreams of his router cleaning his house some day and doing his...
  3. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    I'll add a new Wiki entry for this new feature shortly.
  4. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    Not dumb, I didn't mention in the update changelog how the approval process worked. I just said it was now included. :) But no TBD is short for "To be Determined" basically if that value is TBD then it won't show is what you see in that screenshot. Basically, this now allows the script to run...
  5. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    The changelog check feature use to scan the changelog for high risk phrases at the moment it tried to update, not when an update was detected, and blocked the update as a cron and forced you to run interactively. Now instead you'll get a notification right away that high risk phrases are found...
  6. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    No worries, I considered including a schedule migration for people that still had the default schedule on a node, but I didn't want to change the scheduling behavior from under people that may not be reading the forums, I figured I'd just communicate the change, and people could adjust their...
  7. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    Hey @visortgw Happy to continue to work on this on my spare time :) Considering I've always wanted an add-on that did all this for me, I'm happy to contribute to the community and give this addon some love when I can. We actually did do this in release 1.1.3 as noted below here: The only...
  8. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    MerlinAU Version 1.1.5 released. What's Changed/Fixed?: PR: #220 - Allow Pre-Approval for Changelog Check This PR is to allow instant notifications to be sent within the postpone period if an update is found with high-risk phrases, and gives the user the option to pre-approve the changelog...
  9. ExtremeFiretop

    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 3004.388.7 is now available

    Unfortunately those logs don't go far back enough for us to see any attempt to flash/update the router, it only goes back to the 27th in the logs and based on this thread you tried the flash on the 26th? You would need to grab the logs closer to the time you attempted to update. Ideally you...
  10. ExtremeFiretop

    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 3004.388.7 is now available

    Best of luck, I recommend you try and fix the issue with the rescue tool, ignoring an issue like this could work but for how much longer? If this were me, I'd want to know if this is hardware or software before heading out and getting a replacement myself. I'm surprised you haven't tried...
  11. ExtremeFiretop

    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 3004.388.7 is now available

    I would ignore the message, it's seems like a non-fatal kernel message related to the tickless kernel feature. (CONFIG_NO_HZ) enables 'on-demand' timer interrupts to my understanding (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) If you run: zcat /proc/config.gz | grep NO_HZ CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON=y...
  12. ExtremeFiretop

    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 3004.388.7 is now available

    Hard to tell what the issue is without logs. As others have said above you can try the Asus rescue tool and see how that works, if your still stuck on Merlin as you suggest and can't flash any firmware, you likely have an issue whether your notice it or not, but if you don't notice it then live...
  13. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    Your fantastic my friend! Thank you for going the extra mile for us. 🙏 I'll update the lists shortly! Just an FYI that we have 3 new PRs merged into the dev branch, so I expect a new release sometime this weekend 😁
  14. ExtremeFiretop

    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 3004.388.7 is now available

    I hope you mean you tried to flash the stock firmware, resetting the router in the GUI or the reset button doesn't bring it back to Merlin alone. :) Assuming you meant you tried resetting before the flash, if the router is unable to flash any firmware (Merlin or stock) it's likely a hardware...
  15. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    Hi @nlurker I started PR: 220 for this request here:
  16. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    I added the V1 suffix to the RT-AX58U and AX3000 (for now), although I may remove it soon once we support GNUTON firmware, as GNUTON supports the RT-AX58U V2 and AX3000 V2
  17. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    Nothing from this code in AMTM is dynamic, It's all static: As you can see, most of my crons don't line up correctly. (Even the ones from thelonelycoder) "20" or "45" has more character than "*" in the examples above, so trying to line most of this up seems pointless to me
  18. ExtremeFiretop

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.1.5 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (Now available in AMTM)

    Okay lists updated both here and on Github. Remaining devices would be: GT-AC2900 (Untested) RT-AX68U (Untested) RT-AX56U (Untested) And when you get to test the RT-AX68U that will leave only 2! :)