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  1. jacklul

    AX82U Dead cpu core

    Pretty sure on some devices last core is reserved to handle Wireless traffic. If you stress your WiFi it might show few % of usage.
  2. jacklul

    Entware [SOLUTION] Cross-Compile ProxyChains-NG Entware Package via Debian Live DVD

    Anyone can take my repo as an example to build theirs, as long they are willing to maintain the packages included there because otherwise what's the point? I do not plan on maintaining a repo with packages I personally don't use and can't really test, I shared the workflow file in faith that it...
  3. jacklul

    Entware [SOLUTION] Cross-Compile ProxyChains-NG Entware Package via Debian Live DVD

    I'd prefer not to put a package in my repo that I can't provide support for
  4. jacklul

    Entware [SOLUTION] Cross-Compile ProxyChains-NG Entware Package via Debian Live DVD

    It supports building using all Entware's build targets, I am using it to build packages for supported architectures in my repository It is a matter of convenience, some may want to build themselves anyway while others just need ready to use package
  5. jacklul

    Entware [SOLUTION] Cross-Compile ProxyChains-NG Entware Package via Debian Live DVD

    Just a thought: You could setup a custom Entware repository using GitHub workflow like this so others can just add the repository to their opkg.conf instead of compiling manually
  6. jacklul

    Suddenly script_usbmount is getting cleaned

    This method still works, it is incompatible with Entware/Optware though
  7. jacklul

    ASUS RT-AX58 - Firmware version

    They also added DDNS provider but didn't mention it in the changelog.
  8. jacklul

    Is Asus RT AX3000 v2 going to receive a firmware update?

    This is for TUF variant. Latest version for AX3000/AX58U is 23925 dated 2023/09/27.
  9. jacklul

    Skynet Practice displaying a world map on a webpage using an addon-api.

    Unfortunately I do not have Merlin firmware on my router so I won't be able to test this Possibly all you have to do is to just replace "/jffs/addons/my_addon/MyPage.asp" in the example code with te path to your page
  10. jacklul

    Skynet Practice displaying a world map on a webpage using an addon-api.

    This should help:
  11. jacklul

    how to run cron and other scripts on startup?

    Try the workaround I posted here: In your case you will want to modify the S50usb-mount-script to run your script instead of eval'ing contents of the nvram var.
  12. jacklul

    Suddenly script_usbmount is getting cleaned

    I'm noticing that since today morning 'script_usbmount' nvram variable is erased few seconds after being set. I guess the "update" had to be pushed yesterday as it stopped working in the morning on fresh boot. Does Asus have a way to push such changes without a firmware update?
  13. jacklul

    Script not working anymore after upgrade to 24198

    You can't use curl and wget from cron on newer firmware - they will output nothing, you will not be able to bypass it - I tried. Use Entware's curl.
  14. jacklul

    Script to Back Up & Restore Subsets of NVRAM Variable Settings.

    Doesn't "nvram show" ommit some sensitive variables though? I think "nvram save" is better choice as it produces CFG style file (and doesn't seem to skip sensitive variables) which can then be decoded into variable=>value array string. For example first command will not contain Asus DDNS token...
  15. jacklul

    Raspberry Pi Zero W as USB Ethernet Gadget Not Working

    There is nothing permanent applied, just peak into the install scripts to see which files will be created/modified and all you have to do is to reverse the changes manually.
  16. jacklul

    Raspberry Pi Zero W as USB Ethernet Gadget Not Working

    Just gonna add that I've been successful at doing this with stock AX58Uv2 using my own script - - running Pi-hole this way for over 5 months now. I did add a theoretical support for Merlin in that script but I can't test it because my device...
  17. jacklul

    dnsmasq.conf.add without custom firmware?

    If you have USB drive and use the script_usbmount (or asusware trick if it doesn't work) then you can basically run any script or command, so it's possible.
  18. jacklul

    Entware Problem mounting opt / installing entware

    There is no reason the posted wouldn't work. Are you sure you paste the file correctly onto the router? Note that when using vi command you gotta press A key before pasting.
  19. jacklul

    Entware Problem mounting opt / installing entware

    But you could again modify S06tailscaled to use screen in PREARGS: #!/bin/sh ENABLED=yes PROCS=tailscaled ARGS="--state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state" PREARGS="screen -dmS tailscaled-screen" DESC=$PROCS...
  20. jacklul

    Entware Problem mounting opt / installing entware

    Try removing nohup from PREARGS and trying again. If that doesn't work I would suggest trying asking about this on Entware repo or Tailscale forums because I'm out of ideas.