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  • SNBForums Code of Conduct

    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. D

    SWRT firmware

    hi, has anyone here tried the SWRT firmware? How does it differ from, for example, Merlin and is it actually safe?
  2. D

    Current plans regarding separate version branches

    when I installed Merlin firmware on my new ac68 many years ago, I found out that I don't want anything else 😀 even though I used openwrt more until then .. finally switched to Merlin for good .. and it led to the purchase of several Asus routers on which all of them then Merlin ran, I know that...
  3. D

    Shelly device works properly on Guest network but NOT on regular

    I personally use the 2.4ghz band only for IoT (for many years I haven't used a device that doesn't have 5G..), so I don't have a guest for this band .. :)
  4. D

    [ 3004.388.5 alpha Build(s) ] Testing available build(s)

    without a single problem, good job
  5. D

    Diversion Block of YouTube ads.

    I'm afraid that no external blocker will ever work again .. here it's only on the player that filters out ads ..
  6. D

    Shelly device works properly on Guest network but NOT on regular

    Maybe factory reset on Shelly and custom dns etc. .. for beter stability try static IP in Shelly settings And reserve this IP in dhcp.. And try disable Shelly cloud for test And enable debug log
  7. D

    Shelly device works properly on Guest network but NOT on regular

    Hi maybe try this .. i Have AX88U + 3x mesh AX53u working everything (30 Shelly devices) try disable almost everything .. IoT need "stupid" WiFi with low security wpa/wpa2 and no extra functions ..