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Solved Extender Advice

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I have an Asus ZenWifi XT8 mesh network with the router and a single node. It seems Asus in their infinite wisdom chooses not to sell single nodes. I can't get a decent signal outside my house and thought an extra node might help. It seems I have two options:

1. Get a new router that supports AIMesh and use the current router as an additional node
2. Get a compatible range extender from Asus

Option 2 is cheaper but is it the best option?
Option 2 is cheaper because you're buying throwaway garbage.

You can buy another two pack and sell one privately.

Buying a new router that is AiMesh capable is the better long-term solution, IMO. Much more options are available to you, and to the future owner of that hardware too (vs. the already limited (and usually outdated) range extenders).
It seems Asus in their infinite wisdom chooses not to sell single nodes.

I've got a single XT8 unit recently from Amazon in Canada.
Definitely overpriced for what it is. The only reason to go with this unit was friend's wife design acceptance threshold.
FWIW, Amazon US sells individual "renewed" XT8 units, for $250 presently which seems kinda high for refurbished gear. I took a flyer on one anyway a couple months back, because I didn't need two more units and didn't want to deal with reselling one of a pair.

What I got was a refurbished ET8.

That happened to meet my needs, because I'm running it as a media bridge so it only has to talk to the 5GHZ-1 client radio in the main XT8 node. I'd have been pretty pissed if I wanted to use it as a wireless-backhaul AIMesh node, because I don't think its 6GHZ radio will interoperate with the 5GHZ-2 radios in my XT8s. Still, maybe in a year or three when I have some 6GHZ clients I will have a use for that radio, so I didn't send it back.
The one I've got was about USD200 new. Still overpriced, but some people prefer the looks.
Thanks to all who responded. Seems you can find a single unit on Amazon if you use the correct search terms :rolleyes:

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