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Hello world, from Sweden :)

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New Around Here
Hi there,

I am a biomedical scientist by trade and a DIY enthusiast who prefer used proffessional grade equipment no matter the field (construction equipment, IT-gear, garage tools, etc.). I rather have secondhand equipment designed to do the work propperly than have equipment that is built to a price point and never really work as intended or wears out if you look at it funny. That is in short my mindset and who I am.

I have recently moved to a new (to me) house in the southern parts of Sweden with a separeate garage/storage space on the property. My plan is to have my networking gear, TrueNAS box, pfSense router, VM host etc. in the garage, and run a link between the buildings.
My plan is to have my networking gear, TrueNAS box, pfSense router, VM host etc. in the garage

Sounds like you already know what are you doing. ;)
Sounds like you already know what are you doing. ;)
Haha, well yes and no... I am all self taught and my current setup is well... In lack of better terms... Cobbled together with band aids. It works, sort of. But any network engineer worth his salt would (rightly so) laugh his och her a5$ off.

What I am trying to say is that I know just enough to be dangerous, and am very ill taught in best practices

Hence, I would gladly accept imputs and feedback on how to redesign my network.
I would gladly accept imputs and feedback on how to redesign my network

Open new threads with the questions you may have, but get ready to receive mostly Asus consumer routers recommendations on this forum.

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