Recent content by astephon88

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  1. A

    Solved Inadyn Fails to verify server certs after update to 388.6

    Ugh, I'm sorry @RMerlin. Spent about a half hour trying to search for similar reports, but I was looking for dedicated threads. Never thought to look through the release thread.
  2. A

    Solved Inadyn Fails to verify server certs after update to 388.6

    I am currently using custom DDNS to update cloudflare DNS with the following ddns-start script: #!/bin/sh inadyn --once -f "/jffs/inadyn.conf" -e...
  3. A

    Asus AX/AXE Slow Upload Speeds

    I just got a new AX86 set up last night coming from an AC88, and I too am seeing the same behavior. On the AC88, I was consistently getting 700-800 Mbps up/down from wireless clients using speedtest and fast. After setting up the AX86, I immediately noticed the drop in upload speeds to the...
  4. A

    IPSec Server Crashes RT-AC88U when trying to access LAN resource

    I am running Asuswrt-Merlin 386.4 and recently set up the IPSec server using all the default configuration options in the advanced settings. I am able to successfully connect using the built-in VPN client in Android Oreo and navigate to public IP addresses(though I haven't confirmed yet if all...
  5. A

    RT-AC88U Problem Communicating Between Wireless Clients

    Awesome! Thank you so much. Disabling AirTime Fairness on the 2.4GHz radio did the trick
  6. A

    RT-AC88U Problem Communicating Between Wireless Clients

    I'm running Asuswrt-merlin 382.1_2 (though I've noticed the issue over pretty much all versions I've run). Even with Set AP Isolated disabled, I'm having issues with communications between wireless clients. I've even enabled and disabled Set AP Isolated in case there was some stale configuration...