Recent content by dougm

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  1. dougm

    [solved] PFSense+OpenVPN: Problems Routing Specific VLAN traffic out VPN

    Update: SOLVED I'm not sure why, but it randomly just started working on its own. I double checked and fidgeted with all the outbound NAT, all the inter-subnet rules, rebooted, rebooted again, etc, finally things started to click.
  2. dougm

    [solved] PFSense+OpenVPN: Problems Routing Specific VLAN traffic out VPN

    PFSense+OpenVPN: Problems Routing Specific VLAN traffic out VPN I am running PFSense+ 23.01 (same basic setup as CE 2.6.0) in my home lab. My box is a 2x1gigE port Core-i7 NUC. Problem is that users on Vlan 4 not able to access internet thru an OpenVPN client tunnel (which connects to a VPN...
  3. dougm

    AC5300 Enhanced Traffic Monitoring..Where??

    Yes, my router has all the hosts assigned static reservations by their Mac address in the LAN/DHCP settings page. But I am still just getting IP addresses in the list even with the Show Hostnames box checked.
  4. dougm

    AC5300 Enhanced Traffic Monitoring..Where??

    Gosh, that was too obvious, thanks. Is there a way to get the hostnames to show up rather than the IP addresses? All of my IP addresses are assigned by DHCP reservations by MAC.
  5. dougm

    AC5300 Enhanced Traffic Monitoring..Where??

    I have the RT-AC5300, with Merlin 384.10_2. I want to see which hosts on my network are consuming how much bandwidth every month. I enabled the Enhanced Traffic Monitoring on Tools>Other Settings as described here. I have a 1 GB USB drive inserted to store the data. I enabled Yes for both...