Recent content by Monkey

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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. M

    SBS2K8 VPN Setup

    There is an article on technet that gives you the port numbers: You haven't mentioned that port 80 is being forwarded to the server, or 3398 if your are using the activex control for remote desktop.
  2. M

    Microsoft Exchange Antivirus

    I would agree with YeOldStoneCat, AV protection on both the server and Exchange would be the order of the day, as they both protect different services. The recommendation of Untangle is also a good one, as you can have up to 3 AV engines scrubbing mail clear if you were to use ClamAV and the...
  3. M

    ProCurve Questions

    No the 1800 just has a fairly basic web interface with no cli, and no stacking features. It does not have poe either, I think you would have to go much further up the procurve product range to get the features you are looking for.
  4. M

    Open source two-factor auth?

    I would not say that a keylogger would be a good choice to investigate the network with, as it would capture usernames, passwords and all kinds of information a hacker could use should they get hold of the keylogger data. Anyway onto your question, this may be of use if you can get it working...
  5. M

    Desired content: NAS box failures

    I love a good offsite Rsync as much as the next man, however if Johnny SoHoUser user deletes or overwrites the file, does Rsync protect you as well as a proper backup & media rotation schedule?
  6. M

    Portable server recommendations?

    Its possible that I have misread the information given, are you looking to carry your entire server and data with you on frequent travels, or are you looking for a blank area to save, then sync up when back at the office? I believe further information is required to fully appreciate the kind of...
  7. M

    Suggestions for SoHo network

    For a business I would always recommend a good backup system, you need to think about protecting your files from virus damage or corruption.
  8. M

    HELP! How to salvage data from a failed RAID1 setup (Hammer MyShare)

    Good advice from Tim there, I especially like the NAS-to-NAS backup rsync maybe? And the offsite backup options. After reading the posts on these forums, I fear not many people are taking backup seriously, and rely on the raid capability of their NAS. Is there a chance of a review on the...
  9. M

    Downsized office trying to eliminate Server

    Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I just wanted to say please consider your backup options for the new setup. Raid solutions are very handy, but are not a replacement for a proper backup.