Recent content by Olndo Pindaro

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  1. Olndo Pindaro

    Asus ddns

    Doesn'react to the click
  2. Olndo Pindaro

    Asus ddns

    Thanks This means that the problem s different. The address of wan ip showed on top here doesn't match the internal ping translation of to xxxxxx, I have a Modem attached in bridge mode to my asus router. How I can fix? Obviously it i test WAN IP address directly works and it...
  3. Olndo Pindaro

    Asus ddns

    I am trying to use asuscomm. Com ddns. The renew parametri is in day unit My problem is the my provider change IP every 2 hour. How can i solved? Changing ddns provider? Please give me the right suggestion
  4. Olndo Pindaro

    UBUNTU 23.10 connection 5Ghz rejected by RT-AX86s

    I need OpenZFS on root an wayland, mint supports them?
  5. Olndo Pindaro

    UBUNTU 23.10 connection 5Ghz rejected by RT-AX86s

    explain better please. thanks
  6. Olndo Pindaro

    UBUNTU 23.10 connection 5Ghz rejected by RT-AX86s

    I am installing my new homelab server, and I installed ubuntu 23.10, and I have this odd beaviuor: Ubuntu views both 2,5 and 5ghz networs. with 2.5gz connetcs well. with 5ghz after a while pop up with a new pass request in an endeles cycle. The pass of the 2 nets are the same. the setted the...
  7. Olndo Pindaro

    Link Aggragation on rt ax86s

    Thanks I have ax86S, the s version doesn't have 2,5G port, but only 1G ports
  8. Olndo Pindaro

    Link Aggragation on rt ax86s

    Hi all! I bought an Beelink EQ12 MINI pc with 2 2.5G NIC and I would like to make a dual lan aggregation with my RT Ax86s (with Marlin on top). Is possible (i want doubling the band)? Any experencies of use? suggestion? Thanks to all. Olindo PS: Beelink support give me driver for IEEE 802.3ad...
  9. Olndo Pindaro

    Diversion Block of YouTube ads.

    I tried freetube but user exsperience is a disaster...
  10. Olndo Pindaro

    Diversion Block of YouTube ads.

    Atm sa in diversion 4.3.3 there is sperimental youtube Block adware. Mine installation doesn't work? Other experiences? Suggestion? Regards Olindo
  11. Olndo Pindaro

    Diversion How to unblock Diversion false positive

    The problem was an cdn that wallopp uses. Unlocked that and now goes.
  12. Olndo Pindaro

    Diversion How to unblock Diversion false positive

    Thanks I done it and works but i whitelisted that was the blocked call as in included screenshot. atam script warning me... Do you think is better to ad "" ?
  13. Olndo Pindaro

    Diversion How to unblock Diversion false positive

    I had problem to access, a sort of spanish ebay . A part the land page the site doesn't load any other page. shutting down diversion now works. can I insert the site in a whitelist in Diversion so i can avoid to shutdown Diversion? (I am floowded by AliExpress ads)...
  14. Olndo Pindaro

    Tutorial Debian 12 Bookworm + Plex Media Server (Asus RT-AX86S)

    Rt-ax86u is more power full than S version. My plex moved to i5 4th gen with 16gb and is ok