Recent content by ptthstr

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  1. ptthstr

    AX88U Pro VLAN support: AP Mode?

    Thank you!
  2. ptthstr

    AX88U Pro VLAN support: AP Mode?

    Sorry and thanks for the clarification. I don't, otherwise I would have done so. That would be a factor in my purchase. I'll ask the question on the main Asus WRT forum. Thanks
  3. ptthstr

    AX88U Pro VLAN support: AP Mode?

    Hi everyone, The AX88U Pro has recently added support for VLANs in release version (June 6th, 2023). I have two questions related to that: Has the feature been added to Merlin as well? VLANs obviously work in router mode, but are they supported in AP mode? What I mean is: if...
  4. ptthstr

    Can't get Wireguard server to work (AX88U)

    Thansk for the advice. Unfortunately not. I ended up installing wg-easy on a Raspberry Pi and that worked flawlessly in a few minutes.
  5. ptthstr

    Can't get Wireguard server to work (AX88U)

    Hi all, I'm trying to configure the Wireguard server on my AX88U and just can't get it to work. I'm using the default settings for both server and client sides (see screenshots). When I activate the tunnel on my phone, I don't have access to anything, WAN or LAN. I can't ping anything either...