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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. C

    ASUS RT-AC88U 5 GHz band drops some clients and does not accept new connections

    @dbell Did you found root cause? Exactly same issue on ASUS AC86U, but once each 3 weeks. Firmware 386.12 @jeden I assume it's some issue linked with interference in DFS channels (radar), or any other devices or DHCP/dmask issue when there are clients with static IP setup on client side.
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    Periodical reboot of router only if there isn't traffic.

    Agree with both comments. If you have checked the codes of both scritps, there are quite "coarse&simple" but effective. I'm not programmer, so efficiency code&resources for so small script weren't take into account. Any case, it could be a nice and simple feature in next Merlin release to be...
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    Periodical reboot of router only if there isn't traffic.

    Here attached 3 scripts I have included in my router. 1) In /jffs/scripts/init-start I have included two line in order to setup cron for my two scripts. It's needed because crond setup file is delete after each reboot. So in this script I setup cron task for my two scripts 2)...
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    Periodical reboot of router only if there isn't traffic.

    Why is so insecure? Note my router is used behind ISP router, so I assume it isn't exposed to internet.
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    Periodical reboot of router only if there isn't traffic.

    Thanks, perfect, it's what I was looking for. I will execute in my script ifconfig with one hour of difference, if delta (RX+TX) is below 10 MiB, reboot will be execute WoW, I didn't know Asus Merlin started with add-on setups. It's quite interesting but I haven't so much time to upgrade SW...
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    Periodical reboot of router only if there isn't traffic.

    I have a router ASUS RT-A86U running with Asuswrt-Merlin FW 384.19. I'm using a VPN provider and I realize that sometime my VPN connection is down because VPN server connected is down. VPN provider ensure me that when there are doing planned maintenance of a server, weeks in advance they remove...
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    OpenVPN and DNS address connection not working in subnet

    I really appreciate the time you have spent for explanation. It helped me to undertstand better the root cause of the problem to find it. And I found the problem! Finally the problem is that ISP has launch recently a batch of automatic remote firmware update in the background to "improve"...
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    OpenVPN and DNS address connection not working in subnet

    Hi L&LD, My original question was: why 3 days ago with address in Asus Router, VPN client works with both configuration and now I need to put for Home setup without any update in Raspberry and Asus Router. That's my original question and reason of my post...
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    OpenVPN and DNS address connection not working in subnet

    I have attached net diagram. Not really my expertise area, I hope it's more clear now. All laptop connection sto internet are always going out to internet trought my pi VPN server and my ISP router, travelling or at home. For anyone monitoring laptop connections, laptop is always connected at...
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    OpenVPN and DNS address connection not working in subnet

    Answer on your post above.
  11. C

    OpenVPN and DNS address connection not working in subnet

    Thanks for answer. Firmware 384.19 was the last release two years ago! And it has been working 24/7 perfect during all this time. If it works don't touch it!!! Security isn't so relevant in my opinion because my router is never exposed directly to internet. All devices involved were reset. I...
  12. C

    OpenVPN and DNS address connection not working in subnet

    Hi, I have a router ASUS RT-A86U running with Asuswrt-Merlin FW 384.19. I have a client OpenVPN connection on my ASUS router so all traffic go through the VPN tunnel to my VPN server (raspberry PI with piVPN) My setup is quite simple, I always connect my latptop to ASUS router , at home or...