We're making a few changes to tune up the SNBForums experience.
News will now appear on SNBForums instead of SmallNetBuilder. To support this, the SNBForums landing page has changed to feature news stories. We'll also occasionally feature posts of particular interest here.
If you'd like to help us out by posting news, just start a thread with [News] at the start of the title. Please include an image if you can, but keep it under 600px wide and 300px tall so it doesn't take up the whole front page!
To support the new home page, the Home link in the Navigation bar now takes you to SNBForums' home page instead of SmallNetBuilder. To get to the Forum list, just click the Forums link.
We now have a new logo, to reinforce the site's branding.
Finally we've added a slider module at the top of many pages that displays some of the featured threads and news stores for easy access.
We hope you like the changes. I'm sure I'll hear about it if you don't!
News will now appear on SNBForums instead of SmallNetBuilder. To support this, the SNBForums landing page has changed to feature news stories. We'll also occasionally feature posts of particular interest here.
If you'd like to help us out by posting news, just start a thread with [News] at the start of the title. Please include an image if you can, but keep it under 600px wide and 300px tall so it doesn't take up the whole front page!
To support the new home page, the Home link in the Navigation bar now takes you to SNBForums' home page instead of SmallNetBuilder. To get to the Forum list, just click the Forums link.
We now have a new logo, to reinforce the site's branding.
Finally we've added a slider module at the top of many pages that displays some of the featured threads and news stores for easy access.
We hope you like the changes. I'm sure I'll hear about it if you don't!