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Namecheap.com DDNS with LetsEncrypt certificate

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Hi all,

Apologies for bringing up a topic that I can see is fairly old but I just cannot seem to get things working and Ive done a lot of searching.... (running 386.2)

My understanding (for anybody else in the future who searches) is that EZIPUPDATE didn't previously support https (which namecheap required), hence a custom JFFS script was advised (a la this post), however more recently https is supported so this is no longer a requirement for the IP update part (unknown about Let'sEncrypt certificate).

I have a namecheap domain blahblah.net and a dynamic A record for the whole domain (@), rather than using sub domains. I can successfully update this record either using the script mentioned above, or the built in namecheap.com DDNS 'tool', however in no circumstances can I get a LetsEncrypt certificate to generate:
  • Using the built in tool (with an @ as the hostname) it will update, but tells me the @ character is invalid for LetsEncrypt - in which case is it not possible to have a blahblah.net certificate and I *HAVE* to use a subdomain?
  • Using the script I have tried changing the hostname in the script between @/*/blahblah.net and I have tried changing the hostname in the web interface between these same options. With several of these I can successfully update my DDNS record, but I can't seem to trigger the LetsEncrypt tool to attempt getting a certificate. Occasionally I will see it in the logs, but has clearly never succeeded as its always stuck in the 'Authorizing' state....

Can somebody help point me in the right direction please?

Thanks very much!
Curiously after 48 hours while it was left on the custom script setting, it does seem to have finally generated the LetsEncrypt certificate. For the benefit of everybody else I had the hostname set to blahblah.net (rather than @ or *) in both the script configuration and also in the web interface. Evidently time seems to have been a healer!
There is a solution to how to use Namecheap DDNS on Merlin. You need a custom script.
I described it here:

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