Recent content by Boji

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  1. B

    (solved) Dnscrypt blocked-names.txt automatically deleted upon modification

    Yeah, did that, now its fine! Thanks dave!
  2. B

    (solved) Dnscrypt blocked-names.txt automatically deleted upon modification

    Its downloaded to /jffs/dnscrypt So, point dnscrypt-proxy.toml's blocklist to the USB/Addons folder you are saying?
  3. B

    (solved) Dnscrypt blocked-names.txt automatically deleted upon modification

    I will note, if the files contents is replaced with random text, or empty, this problem does not exist. Its just the current blocklist im using thats being deleted, like it is being scanned as malware or something of that matter.
  4. B

    (solved) Dnscrypt blocked-names.txt automatically deleted upon modification

    For the last week or so, blocked-names.txt is being deleted immediately after saving if I edit the file via winscp. The only way to prevent the file from being deleted is by doing the edits on a windows machine, and copying a backup from the windows machine into the dnscrypt folder, I use winscp...
  5. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    5.1. is 25-50 times faster at processing big lists after allow/deny listing. Deny list processing is ridiculously fast now. Other issues associated with whitelisting have also disappeared. Maybe its something else but for whatever reason over all browsing experience has sped up significantly...
  6. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    Apparently Googles Gemini Pro is superior to Gpt4 in math and code. [source 1, source 2], I use it freely and anonymously on, or using the poe app, (windows/ios/andriod) with 75 times a day free use limit. All that was needed for sign up was a disposable email, in the phone app version...
  7. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    Yeah... diversion whitelists it... dnsmasq was still blocking it, along with many that were not in any blocklist (like, they were not in the final .conf blocklist file... but for whatever reason the problem went away after I shrunk the lists down from 43 to 11, so seems to be...
  8. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    Okay fine, i'll adapt :) I'm going through my ancient lists only to find many of these haven't even been updated in 7 years. Perhaps thinning out my conservative 43 lists will prevent dnsmasq from hallucinating. using the ones you suggested + hegazi did fix the problem.
  9. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    lol, yes exactly... it was being blocked even though it was not in any list except the hardcoded white list...
  10. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    is there a manual command that can be used to pull the previous version from github or another third party site?
  11. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    but snbforums is not in any list, except the hardcoded whitelist. searching just for the exact string "snbforums", it is not in any .conf list... dnsmasq is picking up ghost entries. care to explain?
  12. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    Its too broken, blocking everything.... edge updates, snbforums. had to disable it to post here. how do I revert to the previous diversion? I have backed up my jffs prior to the update, should restoring be enough?
  13. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    Found local=/ so this is wildcard, I seeeeeee
  14. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024

    Oddly, editing the blockinglist.conf and blacklist.conf file and searching for returns no results
  15. B

    Diversion Diversion 5.1.3 - the Router Ad-Blocker, May 09, 2024 used by skynet is not being white listed... despite the fact it is listed in the whitelist.