Recent content by torstein

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  1. torstein

    Tainted nextdns logs every 30 seconds

    Be sure to update this post with any progress or solutions for future reference :)
  2. torstein

    Announcement: 3006 progress report - it's a go

    Oh wow i had no idea how good looking ExpertWiFi is! Here's hoping Rmerlin finds a way to implement it for the rest of us.
  3. torstein

    Beta Asuswrt-Merlin 3004.388.6 Beta is now available

    other than asus completely reworking how ssl certificates work in 24353, what else is new in this gpl? I tried googling for it, but came up with nothing. Would be nice to kmow what else is changed or fixed.
  4. torstein

    "State of the router 2023"?

    Almost yearly, @RMerlin has written an excellent and entertaining year-in-review about his project and where it's headed in the near future. He also touches in on new and exciting WiFi-tech and what he thinks it'll mean for the users. Will there be such a post this year, @RMerlin? ❤️
  5. torstein

    Is the AX11000U a good purchase in late 2023?

    400€ for the non-pro and 520€ for the pro is a lot of money, yes, I think for most people not just me, especially considering that I already have the Ax86u (which was 350€ or so, i cant remember when I bought it two years ago) so getting a second router is pushing to replace this at 400-500 euro...
  6. torstein

    Is the AX11000U a good purchase in late 2023?

    Despite Asus' own claims that it functions as a "wired" client, it does indeed compete with my macbook pro for the 5Ghz radio's attention giving equally low speeds like all their other modes. Most of those threads are old, and I was just curious if the issues from when the router was new had...
  7. torstein

    Is the AX11000U a good purchase in late 2023?

    The AX11000 may not peivide much faster speeds, but it does provide triple bands, so that my mac mini can be on one 5ghz radio and my other mac can be on the second 5ghz radio. I tred teo routers and media bridge and it did nothing. Two radios is what i need. i tried kt with tje triple band...
  8. torstein

    Why is my wireless LAN speed slower than my wireless internet speed on AX86U?

    I did right now, and it did increase performance... maybe? Perhaps 30-40mbps, not by much, but slightly. Also could have been normal fluctuations.
  9. torstein

    ax86u vs ax88u Pro vs GT-ax6000 vs GT-ax11000

    Soory, typo, meant AX86U. That's precisely the router I was thinking of. It was my first Asus, and I remember reading somehwere here that Asus apparantly kept supporting it due to its popularity and units sold. That and the AC86U, so I naturally assumed AX68U and AX86U would follow suit. I...
  10. torstein

    Is the AX11000U a good purchase in late 2023?

    In this thread I tried to get to the bottom of why my WLAN was slower than I expected. Long story short, my AX86U has only one 5GHz radio and my mac mini and macbook pro are both on wireless (wired is not an option, details in the other post if your're curious, but believe me it's not...
  11. torstein

    ax86u vs ax88u Pro vs GT-ax6000 vs GT-ax11000

    Will the AX11000 get the Or is it being cut off as well like ax86u? And why are they being cut off? Arent they good routers capa le pf running the newest firmware or is it just sneaky tactics from asus to sell new routers? What does this mean for merlinwrt? Will ax86u (non pro) soon be...
  12. torstein

    Why is my wireless LAN speed slower than my wireless internet speed on AX86U?

    That's a brilliant idea! I did what you suggested and set it in AP-mode, 5Ghz radio, different SSID, disabled universal beamforming, plugged into AX86U and chose channel 140, since my AX86U is on the other side of the spectrum. The ethernet cable is kinda short, so I had to place it two shelves...
  13. torstein

    OpenVPN throughput: AES-128-CBC vs CHACHA20-POLY1305

    Oh my, I'm sorry, I didn't realise this thread was from 2020. It popped up on the right next to all the other "latest threads" so I clicked on it as it looked interesting. Don't know how I made this mistake. Sorry, nothing to see here :)
  14. torstein

    OpenVPN throughput: AES-128-CBC vs CHACHA20-POLY1305

    Out of curiosity what would the speed difference be had you run the same test on the AX88U for instance?
  15. torstein

    Why is my wireless LAN speed slower than my wireless internet speed on AX86U?

    I forgot to post an answer to my own original question of this thread: "Why is my wireless LAN speed slower than my wireless internet speed on AX86U?" Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've learned here, it's because using samba to transfer a file between two computers, the AX86U's single...