Recent content by Wanabo

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  1. W

    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.12 is now available for AC models

    Upgraded router and node to 386.12_4. So far no issues.
  2. W

    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.12 is now available for AC models

    Upgraded RT-AC88U (mesh master) and a RT-AC86U_RT-AC2900 (slave) from 386.11 to 386.12. No issues discovered yet. It seems my RT-AC88U lost 2.4 Ghz a couple of months ago. I was hoping a new firmware would trigger 2.4 Ghz to go working again. I don't think it's related to firmware, but to the...
  3. W

    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.11 is now available for AC models

    Updated both master RT-AC88U and slave RT-AC86U_RT-AC2900 from 386.10 to 386.11. No issues to report (yet).
  4. W

    Inadyn with dedyn/desec

    Got it working! 😊 custom selfhost { ddns-server = ddns-path = "/?myipv4=%%i" hostname = "" username = "" password = "yourkey" }
  5. W

    Inadyn with dedyn/desec

    I'm trying to setup a dyn dns service called deSEC. I have a dyn subdomain In the newest version of inadyn, deSEC will be supported, but there is an older version in Merlin's firmware. So I need to make a custom config. In /jffs/configs/inadyn.conf.add I have a couple of extra...
  6. W

    Massive problems with firmware 386.9 on RT-AC5300 router

    Before upgrade save your settings. (your mnt could be different) nvram show > /mnt/sda1/settings.txt Restore only the settings from settings.txt that you are absolutely sure off. For example: nvram set dhcp_staticlist="values_previously_saved" nvram commit Code examples are found somewhere...
  7. W

    RT-AC88U crash after 386.9 upgrade from 386.7_2

    I had the same troubles with my RT-AC88U. After the firmware to upgrade 386.9. I did a restore to factory settings and configured everything new. After a day or two the network was down all of a sudden. Nothing I did could fix the issue. So I took my mesh slave from the attic and reset it to...
  8. W

    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.9 is now available for AC models

    Upgraded to 386.9 on both routers. (see signature). Both up and running for a couple of minutes. Tomorrow I will do for both a factory reset. This was long overdue between upgrading major versions.
  9. W

    amtm Want to create a swap file on sdb, not selectable with AMTM

    I could try another enclosure. The enclosure is ment for a 3.5 inch drive and I put a 2.5 inch drive in it. This enclosure was available because I bought another one due to a lightning strike I had a couple of years ago. It worked but the performance was reduced.
  10. W

    amtm Want to create a swap file on sdb, not selectable with AMTM

    I give up on my attempt to attach a ssd instead of an hdd drive to my router. In windows the ssd is ok, in my router it gives nothing but troubles. @ColinTaylor thanks for your help and guidance.
  11. W

    amtm Want to create a swap file on sdb, not selectable with AMTM

    Aug 2 21:24:39 kernel: sdb: unknown partition table Strange as sdb is accessible. I'll format this ssd on a windows pc and see if that works. Edit: Put my old hdd back, now I can select sdb again. Must be a faulty ssd drive (new out of the box). Now formatting on a windows pc leaving quick...
  12. W

    amtm Want to create a swap file on sdb, not selectable with AMTM

    After that I loose my network connection, probably a reboot from the router because the date is wrong. Just waiting for the ntp server to set the correct date and time. Still not selectable. Drive is available.
  13. W

    amtm Want to create a swap file on sdb, not selectable with AMTM

    Want to create a swap file on sdb, but only sda is selectable. I'm using AMTM option sw. I have two drives connected to my RT-AC88U. A usb hdd on sda and an ssd on sdb. I would like to create a swap file on my ssd drive (sdb) but this drive is not selectable. Drive is functioning normal. Tried...