on the wireless device itself like the Xbox. Wireless clientsWhen I use Asus device discovery both ap devices have different ip's when I access the ap IP logins it doesn't give me an option to change the way the IP is
Problem I see after reading your first post, you put the isp router into modem mode and ran one wire to the living room AP and another wire via moca to another. Which its probably only going to service two ip adresses. You need to move the wire you have via moca to the living room or put the isp router back into router mode and the asus routers in AP mode.
The isp is probably running software that if it sees multiple ips on a consumer not paying for multiple outside ip addresses it kicks the older one of these ip address from the modem. The error "invalid response in V4 option" usually means a dhcp server is trying to assign an address but the device is not on its network or network layer.
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