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Search results

  1. JGrana

    amtm amtm 4.9 - the Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu, June 30, 2024 (locked thread)

    Yes, your right. Every CLI call adds another one. I also lost all my other Addons Web tabs - the only one showing is scmerlin. I’m going to reboot and see if they come back. Post reboot - all Addon web pages are back. As @visortgw said, scmerlin added another startup line to services-start
  2. JGrana

    Asus RT-AX88U Pro

    I also did the AX88U to AX88U Pro update a few months back. I did NOT save and restore the config. There are enough hardware differences between the two that would likely cause issues doing that. The .cfg file is a full snapshot of the nvram - and there are many settings in nvram that are not...
  3. JGrana

    Entware Entware armv7sf-k2.6 EOS

    I went to your repo. Now that is impressive! Only 2 having issues (kexec-tools and crawl). Nice work @maurer !
  4. JGrana

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.2.6 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (**Thread closed due to age**)

    Done! @Martinski and his 2 chosen charities are now live in: https://www.snbforums.com/threads/asuswrt-merlin-addon-developers-donation-links.67496/
  5. JGrana

    YazDHCP YazDHCP - feature expansion of DHCP assignments (increasing limit on the number of DHCP reservations)

    Ahh yes, SCO Unix System V - and even the RT QNX!! (now Blackberry). My first experience was Bell Labs R7 then System III running on a DEC Vax 11/780. Moved on to Sys V and finally BSD - on hardware the company I worked for made. We made the Tahoe - Vax Killer. By then mainframes were on the out...
  6. JGrana

    YazDHCP YazDHCP - feature expansion of DHCP assignments (increasing limit on the number of DHCP reservations)

    Your correct! I have been trying from the router itself. I use the CLI, not the Network Tools - but shouldn’t make a difference If I ssh into a local client, the name resolves fine. On the router itself - no. Hmm. Feature or bug I wonder? If I take the /jffs/addons/YqzDHCP.d/.hostnames and...
  7. JGrana

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.2.6 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (**Thread closed due to age**)

    Ok @Martinski , PM me a link to the charity of your choice. Thanks Ted.
  8. JGrana

    YazDHCP YazDHCP - feature expansion of DHCP assignments (increasing limit on the number of DHCP reservations)

    Thanks @bennor I’m running an AX88U Pro, latest merlin fw. I will try the reinstall (since the export and import work great) and also the permissions. I am running unbound - but any requests from the router itself should not be going through unbound. I also do got an occasional Fatal 11 or 6...
  9. JGrana

    YazDHCP YazDHCP - feature expansion of DHCP assignments (increasing limit on the number of DHCP reservations)

    Oops, didn’t mean to tread in your grounds!!! I’ll just ChatGPT another one ;-) BTW, surface mount?!? You should change to BGA - get with the times LOL
  10. JGrana

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.2.6 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (**Thread closed due to age**)

    @Martinski I would think that is your call. @thiggins - are you ok with this?
  11. JGrana

    Thank You @RMerlin

    Good see users donating to @RMerlin efforts! If you use AddOns, checkout this thread to thank some of the developers of these fine tools and utilities. https://www.snbforums.com/threads/asuswrt-merlin-addon-developers-donation-links.67496/
  12. JGrana

    YazDHCP YazDHCP - feature expansion of DHCP assignments (increasing limit on the number of DHCP reservations)

    I noticed something today. I am using YazDHCP and see in /etc/dnsmasq.conf it adds: addn-hosts=/jffs/addons/YazDHCP.d/.hostnames That file has all my assigned IP/Hostnames. When dnsmasq starts, it reports that it read that file. But, it doesn’t seem that dnsmasq actually uses it. For example...
  13. JGrana

    DHCP questions & help

    True. Thanks!
  14. JGrana

    DHCP questions & help

    I noticed something today. I am using YazDHCP and see in /etc/dnsmasq.conf it adds: addn-hosts=/jffs/addons/YazDHCP.d/.hostnames That file has all my assigned IP/Hostnames. When dnsmasq starts, it reports that it read that file. But, it doesn’t seem that dnsmasq actually uses it. For example...
  15. JGrana

    NTPmerlin config log not found

    I believe those are the normal startup messages from ntpMerlin. Since @Jack Yaz gave us the option to use either ntpd or chrony - he “encapsulates” them in timeserverd. If you have enabled chrony, you can try this command from the CLI to see the time servers chrony is using: chronyc sources
  16. JGrana

    MerlinAU MerlinAU v1.2.6 - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater (**Thread closed due to age**)

    Hi Guys, I maintain the Donation Thread. @ExtremeFiretop , I will add your information now. Now, @Martinski - Please let me add you? For this Addon and others!
  17. JGrana

    Solved Need help to compile Realtek r8152 driver for RT-AX88U

    Ahh the old Realtek 2.5 Gb dongle. Used it for a while with an AX88U and NAS box. Other than the gymnastics to get the drivers unloaded/loaded in correct sequence, worked well. Now its sitting in a drawer - moved to an AX88U Pro.