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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. H

    GT_AX6000 Slow 2.5G LAN port

    Hello, Lately when I perform a speedtest from my server connected to the 2.5G Lan port on the GT-AX6000 I'm no longer able to reach download 1200Mbps... stuck to maximum of 750Mbps Upload stil at 950Mbps like before. What could be the issue... everything was ok until a few days ago. The...
  2. H

    GT-AX6000 throttling upload speeds??

    Hello, Finally received my GT-AX6000 yesterday. Upgraded to the latest Merlin firmware (388.2_2) and did some speedtests. My ISP provider gives me 1.6Gbps/950Mbps On my ax88u I was limited to 750Mbps/650Mbps Now on my GT-Ax6000 I get 1.6Gbps DL but only 450Mbps UL Is there a known issue with...
  3. H

    ax88u awsiot error

    Hello, Today my router ax88u restarted without notice and I saw this in the logs: Jun 28 22:26:12 awsiot[19124]: exit awsiot, waiting restart Jun 28 22:26:38 awsiot[24405]: awsiot start Jun 28 22:26:40 awsiot[24405]: awsiot init : basic data publish success Any clue what this could be...
  4. H

    ax86u vs ax88u Pro vs GT-ax6000 vs GT-ax11000

    Since my ISP is providing 1.6Gbps/950Mbps I'm looking into replacing my ax88u with a router that has a 2.5G WAN port. My actual setup is ISP -> AX88U -> aimesh -> AX88U From the following models: ax86u vs ax88u Pro vs GT-ax6000 vs GT-ax11000 What would be the recommended one? Before this...
  5. H

    Switch ax88u main with aimesh ax88u

    I have a ax88u hw version 1.0 has main router And a ax88u hw version 1.1 running in aimesh Can I keep them like that or should I switch the v1.1hw to main and the v1.0hw to aimesh? Just feeling that having the latest hw has main will be better for long term. I just switch my aimesh from...
  6. H

    Ax88u Slow WAN speed

    I have AX88U + AX88U using AIMesh wired. Both on 388.2_2 Since the update I see slow downs from the WAN speed My ISP speedtest from the modem is 1.60Gbps down and 960Mbps up Speedtest results from AX88u Without Skynet or QOS Speedtest: 746Mbps/725Mbps With QOS only: 361Mbps/570Mbps With...
  7. H


    Hello, I tried to install BWMON on my AX88U. But after install I always get 404 error whe trying to reach http://<your_router_ip>:<lighttpd_port>/bwmon/index.html Anyone using bwmon could guide me to find why I get the 404? Thanks
  8. H

    save/upload Manually Assigned IP around the DHCP list

    Hello, Is there a way to Save/Upload just the Manually Assigned IP around the DHCP list configuration? This would be useful after a factory reset. Don't mind doing a basic configuration, but would like to save time and upload just the assigned IP and macs. Thanks
  9. H

    Access router in double nat

    My setup is: ROUTER#1 <-> ROUTER#2 ISP Modem/Router <-> MyOwnRouter <-> I was able to reach from any machine connected to But after a factory reset... I no longer able to reach the router#1 And I don't remember or find the configuration that will let...
  10. H

    AX88U 2.4Ghz Max PHY Rate

    Hello, What is the correct Max PHY Rate speed I should be reaching in 2.4Hgz?? Right now I see 385Mbps. I thought the max was 1148Mbps Here's my config Thanks
  11. H

    Entware Entware not found after 384.18

    Entware not found after 384.18. Tried to install around using amtm get : Entware (aarch64) install failed Same for 32bit version: Entware (armv7) install failed Reboot or even after power on same issue. How can I fix this? Asus ax88u on 384.18
  12. H

    Aimesh Question

    Hello, On the Aimesh Node can I connect wired devices or it will only support Wireless devices connected? Thanks
  13. H

    Aimesh with AC88U and AC86U

    Hello, First thanks for the great work on the Asuswrt-Merlin. Second I plan to use an AC88U running the latest 383.14.0 firmware with an AC86U that will also have 383.14.0. When it says that I need to factory default... Both need to be factory reset?? Or only the AC86U that i'm adding to the...