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  • SNBForums Code of Conduct

    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

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    'Latest' Asus stock firmware version AX86U??

    Just bought an AX86U to use as a Mesh node, so was intending to leave it running stock. Went to upgrade firmware via Merlin running on my 88U, and noticed the 'latest' version reported there was not the same one as reported on the Asus site (a later number vs
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    Share /tmp syslog dir over Samba

    Have just enabled SSH Wan access and would like to keep an eye on my syslog certainly initially to monitor proceedings! Is there a way to share the /tmp directory over Samba so I avoid having to go through the webclient? (can set up new shares, but don't seem to be able to share anything from...
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    Remote SSH Login setting not sticking

    Am trying to get this working, but it seems that changing the Admin-->system-->Enable SSH LAN and WAN setting will not persist! Is there something I am missing? (F/W 388.2.2 on the AX 88U) Many thanks!
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    Start/stop OpenVPN instances from the command line?

    As the header says! Is there a way to do this? Many thanks
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    AX88U Memory usage drops after Mesh node set up

    As the title suggest, I've reconfigured my network to use my AX56 as a Mesh node, and noticed that ram usage on the primary router dropped from around 970mb/1gb to now only 730 (without rebooting). That's nice! But is that behaviour normal and expected? Or might it suggest that something is...
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    USB Drive problems

    Just set up an AX88U with Merlin + bells and various whistles, went away for a week and a lot of it appears to have crashed! Trying to rebuild, but one problem is the USB disk (Brand new Scandisk 3.0 128gb, 126 ext4 data, 2gB swap) has become unmounted (tho I still have access amtm which I find...
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    Lighttpd installation error

    Hi am trying to install the above following this guide ...but falling at the first hurdle getting this error: "opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package php5-cgi" Any suggestions? Many thanks!
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    Network setup help please (AX88U + ??)

    Have recently moved and got access to much faster gigabit broadband so been forced to abandon my old E4200 based dd-wrt setup My first move was to buy an Ax88U that I have so far only set up on a very basic level for the wider family I have then been running an E4200 with an old dd-wrt build...