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  1. pusb87

    Would like input Asus or other brand router

    excellent price for the RT-AX88u Pro on Amazon at the moment
  2. pusb87

    Replacement for my RTAC86U

    have done, thank you :)
  3. pusb87

    Replacement for my RTAC86U

    I too was planning to use my current AC86U as a mesh device once I buy another router.
  4. pusb87

    Replacement for my RTAC86U

    Thanks for that. Ive spent a bit of time looking at posts regarding the wireless manager etc for the 86u (386 firmware) and found it all to confusing and probably above my skill level . I think I should wait till my 86u is no longer supported by Merlin and then look at something like the...
  5. pusb87

    Replacement for my RTAC86U

    can it, I didnt know that, or is from one of the addons, as i dont have any of them installed...I use a very basic setup
  6. pusb87

    Replacement for my RTAC86U

    and i should have mentioned im primarily using ethernet connection where i would like improved throuhput
  7. pusb87

    Replacement for my RTAC86U

    thanks, what d/l speeds may i expect when using openVPN ?
  8. pusb87

    Replacement for my RTAC86U

    I am looking to update from my RT-AC86U to a newer Asus model that is supported by Merlin firmware. The key thing I am interested in is throughput whilst running Open VPN clients. Currently with the 86U i can get d/l speeds of circa 200 -220 Mbps using VPN on a good day from an ISP of 350...
  9. pusb87

    Script to auto-manage Clients list in NVRAM?

    I cant seem to find this list, so if you dont mind me asking how do you access this list ?
  10. pusb87

    Setting up multiple Open VPN Clients

    all sorted now with above advice, many thanks :)
  11. pusb87

    Setting up multiple Open VPN Clients

    ahh, Ok , I'll see where I get with that , thanks
  12. pusb87

    Setting up multiple Open VPN Clients

    I am hoping someone can help me in configuring my set up so that I can run 2 VPN Clients (OVPN1 and OVPN3) and have just 1 or 2 devices configured to run through OVPN3 with all the rest going through OVPN1 ( as they currently do ) unless otherwise configured. My VPN Director rules are currently...
  13. pusb87

    Asuswrt-Merlin is now 10 years old!

    Just a big thank you from me for everything you do :)
  14. pusb87

    Asus RT-AC86U no connection with PIA VPN

    Yes, The AC68U is no where near as powerful as the AC86U Reckon you should be getting nearer 30 to 40 download though as i had a 68U prior and from memory thats about what i got.
  15. pusb87

    Asus RT-AC86U no connection with PIA VPN

    Interesting ?? I also use PIA and currently running 384.19 and thinking about going to 386.2. My ISP is 200 down and 20 up and until recently I got pretty much the same using PIA and openvpn config files etc . I believe 384.19 has Open VPN 2.4.9. My router is also Asus AC86U Recently my...
  16. pusb87

    Merlin 384_19 Problem with Block Routed Clients if Tunnel goes down

    Oh good but I dont know how to do that ...can you show me how, perhaps with a screenshot or two ??
  17. pusb87

    Solved PIA VPN failing to connect recently

    Yes, I had this to I now use their next gen servers and working well on 384.19 on an RT-AC68U You can get the config files here >> ( You need to log into your PIA account)
  18. pusb87

    Merlin 384_19 Problem with Block Routed Clients if Tunnel goes down

    Is this is a change then from 384_17 ? . If im correct it never worked like that on that firmware , or many previous ones, only started to happen when i moved to 384_19. So how would I enable that option and be able to have internet access ?
  19. pusb87

    Merlin 384_19 Problem with Block Routed Clients if Tunnel goes down

    Since updating to Merlin 384_19 on my RT86U I have issues with the Block Routed Clients if Tunnel goes down option. It seems that if this box is enabled in any OpenVPN client, whether the client is active or not , that all access to the internet is disabled. I have found that i need to set...
  20. pusb87

    Can't Login to GUI

    try reflashing, that appears to have fixed it for me now