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  • SNBForums Code of Conduct

    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. Tennessee Jed

    GT-BE98 Pro or wait...

    I am seriously contemplating upgrading from my Asus GT-AXE11000 to the GT-BE98 Pro. I already have a few Wifi 7 clients so I would benefit from it from that perspective. The ONLY thing holding me back is wondering if Asus will release a new flagship Wifi 7 router later this year? Thoughts?
  2. Tennessee Jed

    All connections over Ethernet won't work but WiFi works fine

    So here is my story. A couple days ago I awoke to having no internet access over any devices connected through Ethernet or Wifi. My first thought was it was just a fluke and to power cycle my router and modem. After doing so I still got nothing. Called up my ISP thinking that the internet might...