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  1. J

    GT-AX11000 PRO and 2.5G port for LAN

    Okay guys, I can put some more light on the issue. I've just found a YouTube review of GT-AX11000 Pro. It's in Chinese, but English subtitles works well enough. The most important outcome from the video - the reviewer was able to use the 2.5G port for LAN: Btw, what's also interesting in the...
  2. J

    GT-AX11000 PRO and 2.5G port for LAN

    Hah, and that's what I wanted to believe is also possible with the GT-AX11000 Pro, but it seems no one was able to verify it yet...
  3. J

    GT-AX11000 PRO and 2.5G port for LAN

    Well, depends where you live. In some countries 10G is getting pretty common and I believe AX11000 Pro is the Asus's answer to increasing demand for 10G support also in the mid-to-high price range. Yeah it seems as an only uncompromising option, but a) the price is ridiculous b) as reported in...
  4. J

    GT-AX11000 PRO and 2.5G port for LAN

    Thanks for clarification! Having said that - 10G WAN port without even single 2.5G LAN port is pretty disappointing. The setup in GT-AX11000 was at least useful to get 3.5G via port aggregation, but who cares about it anymore when having 10G port?
  5. J

    GT-AX11000 PRO and 2.5G port for LAN

    RT-AX86U is said directly to have a WAN/LAN port: And information about GT-AX11000 Pro are not coherent - specs mention only WAN, briefs mention both...
  6. J

    GT-AX11000 PRO and 2.5G port for LAN

    Oh I feel your pain. That's what I was afraid of - becoming a beta tester of freshly released router, as it seems to be pretty common with Asus... So it seems the battle-proved GT-AX6000 could be a better idea as for now, even taking the lack of 10Gbps port into consideration. At least unless...
  7. J

    GT-AX11000 PRO and 2.5G port for LAN

    Thanks for the answer! But have you actually tried to use it for LAN? I read some comments from guys with GT-AXE16000, which also has a WAN-only 2.5 Gbps port in theory, but they succeeded to use it for LAN, so I believe here it should work the same...
  8. J

    GT-AX11000 PRO and 2.5G port for LAN

    Hi all, I wonder about buying GT-AX11000 Pro as it seems to be a pretty nice balance between GT-AX6000 and GT-AXE16000 (from both money & capability perspectives), I just have one question about the 2.5G port. Looking at the specification, you can see it's described as "1 x 2.5 Gigabit WAN...
  9. J

    Solutions to multiple issues with SSL certificates

    Hi all, I was recently playing with SSL certificates on my router and discover a few things which imho can be helpful to solve problems with SSL certificates. Probably everything below was already mentioned somewhere on the forum, but when I was looking for solutions to my problems I had to read...