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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

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  1. E

    why have a domain name in a home LAN?

    To the original question, yes it requires local dns but a lan based domain can allow free letsencrypt certs which mean browsers across a range of devices don't moan about lack of https and don't need self signed certs or CAs installed. (The latter of which can cause a general background whinge...
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    Announcement: 3006 progress report - it's a go

    I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment but by their nature, they are more likely consumers going for whatever is cheapest/happens to be available rather than repeat customers specifically choosing Asus higher end models. (I'd also say more likely customers with a higher support overhead...
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    RAID 5 vs RAID 6 ??

    Any disk replacement has the same impact - whether because the previous one failed, is aging or you just decided that shiny spare disk couldn't wait to be part of the array. This is why the parity setups aren't recommended for large arrays. Yes you can replace a disk that fails scrubs, SMART...
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    RAID 5 vs RAID 6 ??

    Nobody ever accused RAID10 of being cheap - that's not the point of it. The different RAID options give you a choice between speed, size, cost and availability. The question you need to answer is how long can your array be down for before its a problem - and given the backups are on lots of...
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    GL.iNet worth a try? Any advantage over ASUS?

    Haven't caught up on it recently but, from memory, there was quite a bit of discussion on the Flint forums around wireless issues and dropping back to the older snapshot to deal with a driver issue. A friend of mine is running one of these and says in general it's pretty solid - don't think he...
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    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.13 / 386.13_2 is now available for AC models

    While this won't help you, I'm not having an issue on the AC88U here. I tried your steps on the 386.12 install before upgrading to 386.13 and re-trying. In both cases it worked with no issues - even being smart enough to enable the filter if I didn't click the radio button before clicking the +...
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    Home Network Plan - Where and What

    Loads of technical stuff better suited to others but to start off, I can't get a decent zoom on the orange cables but my initial thought given all the other cabling is speaker cable. On the access points, I'd go for ceiling mount. There's been discussion on here about best mount points etc but...
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    Typical home NAS setup for family pictures/videos

    Free and unlimited until it isn't. A bit like ad-free until it wasn't. (And don't get me started on TV shows/films randomly rotating between free and chargeable!) I could possibly buy that argument as a reason not to invest in a NAS device but not to get rid of one - even then, I'd still go for...
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    Asus moving some devices to EOL while issues still remain

    I'd probably tweak that to "their $1000 Android phone that stops getting updates after two years and is the much bigger security risk because of the amount of c**p they load on to it". I also wonder, of the number of complaints about short Asus support, how many are also considering the modems...
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    Current plans regarding separate version branches

    Thank you for sharing - a timely post as I contemplate life beyond the AC88U. As one question, do you have any insights you can share on Asus plans for 3004 vs 3006 branches if/when 3006 is stabilised and they move it out of beta? I'm guessing they have little desire to maintain both...
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    Typical home NAS setup for family pictures/videos

    This! RAID is about data availability (how quickly you can get to your data), not data security (how sure are you it is safe when something goes wrong).
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    Typical home NAS setup for family pictures/videos

    I must admit, personally I think these days WD are trading more off brand loyalty and reputation of old than anything else. The debacle as they quietly changed from CMR to SMR on their Red series did them no favors. In terms of reliability, everyone's mileage varies but a friend has seen...
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    NAS Newbie. Be gentle. Let me think out loud here before I purchase.

    It's more the latter but also think about the array after that rebuild. Raid5 recovery involves all disks rather than just 1. The first raid5 recovery will probably be OK but it gets progressively riskier to replace a disk as the others are more and more worn. Simply replacing another disk...
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    NAS Newbie. Be gentle. Let me think out loud here before I purchase.

    Number of disks and RAID type is an important consideration. The move to bigger disks has increased the risk of a double failure - the second happening during recovery from the first (the recovery process is particularly disk intensive for RAID5 and RAID6). For RAID5 that's game over. While...
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    Can’t See Raspberry Pi in Clients List

    Pis aren't unreliable. Cheap over sold SD cards, yes. A cheap SD card will make a Pi slow and prone to crashing. A Pi with an SSD will be pretty quick and reliable. That said, I agree it still can't compete with the cheaper refurbed old PCs like that G2. If you want something small, reliable...
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    Asus-Merlin Firewall

    Not to mention the automatic reaction of most home users to panic when they see the reality of a firewall drop logs... That's a support overhead most ISPs and router manufacturers would rather avoid. Just because it's not shouting about something doesn't mean it's not doing its job.
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    YazFi YazFi v4.x - continued

    Hi fotingo. Looking at that I'd swap the host name and IP around.
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    Long shot: Anyone with WiFi issues on 386.10, 386.11 and 386.12.1/2/3/4 running Home Assistant?

    What version of HA are you running? I'm still on 2023.10.3 here which could explain it given the ticket was raised against 2023.11.0- I was about to upgrade but reading that ticket I might hold off for now...
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    Long shot: Anyone with WiFi issues on 386.10, 386.11 and 386.12.1/2/3/4 running Home Assistant?

    Unless I've missed something, almost the opposite of your hypothesis here. Running HA with the Asus integration and since installing 386.12 (and disabling trend micro) been more stable than ever. Even got rid of the weekly reboot a couple of months back (now the asd memory leak is resolved)...
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    Guest network isolation - what did I miss?

    I'm wondering if someone smarter than me (so most people on this forum!) can help me understand what I missed or how this happened. So, setup... - Wireless IoT devices are on a guest network (YazFi) with one-way-to-guest and device isolation setup running on subnet B. - Home Assistant is...