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  1. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    hi Colin, I did a search and couldn't find anything related to my mystery ssid, I'd like to find out where it's coming from if you can help that would be great
  2. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    hi hi I just had a look at the DSL modem and it's got some of the rules for vlans than the router gets that I don't know where it comes from, this is directly after a factory reset wgn_brif_rulelist=<br1>><br2>
  3. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    I think I found the thread but it was about the jffs being read only this is what mine looks like cat /proc/mounts /dev/root / squashfs ro,relatime 0 0 devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,relatime,size=255988k,nr_inodes=63997,mode=755 0 0 proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0 tmpfs /var tmpfs rw,relatime 0 0...
  4. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    hi it's got this one the dsl-ac68u I'll search for the ubifs thread, thanks for the tip
  5. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    if it's in my router then it's probably in the DSL modem too, that's an ac68u, I'll have a look at the nvram in that
  6. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    hi I've just done the nvram erase and rebooted it's come up as new, however looking at the log it's after the NVRAM mirror scan where it says it found a backup that I've noticed it's already got the VLAN rules coming through that's why I'm thinking it's done a restore from that mirror and...
  7. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    my setup is very basic, it's just a home router with guest wifi enabled, no mesh, it's bridge mode to the DSL modem I've only ever had Merlin scripts on it my feeling is the it's restoring from a nvram backup, where are they kept and how can I delete those?
  8. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    yes, I have done that also with the restore tool in fact I only just did a factory reset few days ago nvram erase I've done a few times and it just comes back the same again
  9. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    hi, output as follows wl0_vifnames=wl0.1 wl0.2 wl0.3 wl0.4 wl0_vifs=wl0.1 wl0.2 wl0.4 wl1_vifnames=wl1.1 wl1.2 wl1.3 wl1_vifs=wl1.1 wl1.2 wl_vifnames=wl0.1 wl0.2 wl0.3 wl0.4 size: 75987 bytes (55085 left)
  10. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    hi yes I've already done that it's in my routers nvram, it definitely my router
  11. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    HI yeah I've done the nuke a few times,
  12. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    @RMerlin hi guys, after installing the latest firmware everything I removed from nvram came back again it's like the source info is changed where NVRAM is stored can you help me with that I'm kind of getting bit desperate now
  13. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    maybe related if I try to install Asus firmware over Merlin it fails, the only way to get back to ASUS original is to apply the very first firmware version listed on the Asus website
  14. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    here is some of the VPN stuff in nvram wgn_brif_rulelist=<br1>><br2>> wgn_enabled=0 wgn_vlan_flag=0 wgs_addr= wgs_alive=25 wgs_dns=1 wgs_enable=0 wgs_lanaccess=1 wgs_nat6=1 wgs_port=51820 wgs_priv= wgs_psk=0 wgs_pub= wgs_unit=1...
  15. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    I have factory reset every method known, at the moment its a from scratch build as of the other night. with nothing special added, no restoring of settings ever these settings survive everything I've looked at those but I figured a fresh factory reset and fw update would have wiped...
  16. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    WPS is disabled (but in nvram this SSID has this set to on) WDS is disabled I never do a restore settings I never back them up I always setup from scratch to avoid problems being carried over. according to Yazfi the offending SSID is wl0.4 ifconfig output is below MVRAM does have it all as...
  17. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    it's the latest Merlin as of last night, but it doesn't matter which version it's always got this SSID no matter which version I use. normal wifi router, no mesh, I have 2 guest networks turned on, the 3rd seems to conflict with this mystery SSID and doesn't work. I installed Yazfi last and it...
  18. R

    YazFi mystery SSID keeps appearing and disappearing and changing

    Hello, I have a weird problem, I first noticed a strange SSID sometimes being detected and then disappearing again, I noticed it had the same Mac address as my router but I could not find it in the GUI at all. I contacted ASUS support which was useless they told me it's not my router and stopped...