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  • SNBForums Code of Conduct

    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

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  1. skynet-js

    ASUS GT-BE98 Pro Firmware

    What are people, who were early adopters, going to cry about now?
  2. skynet-js

    Guest Network Disables After Reboot

    I ended up going to Administration section and setting the router to factory default, but I did keep Merlin installed. Have enabled 5GHz Guest network on slot 2 and so far it's remaining there after several reboots. Will report back if that changes and try to figure out if it was happening due...
  3. skynet-js

    Guest Network Disables After Reboot

    No, unfortunately. It’s still doing it and I’m in the market to buy a non-Asus router because it’s so stupid that there’s no solution to fixing this disappearing Guest network crap. I might factory reset my router and flash it back to OEM software just to rule out that it’s not the Merlin...
  4. skynet-js

    Guest Network Disables After Reboot

    Thank you @L&LD for your reply, but you made a few incorrect statements that won't help me. I schedule a reboot every week because years ago, routers were impacted by malware and security experts suggested that the routers be rebooted. Every since then, I've just scheduled a weekly reboot...
  5. skynet-js

    Guest Network Disables After Reboot

    I have an ASUS RT-AX88U router that is running RT-AX88U_388.2_2 firmware. I have a Guest Network setup that I use to connect to every day when working from home. I had my router set so that every Monday night at 5am, my router would perform a scheduled reboot. However, when it does this, my...