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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. K

    wanduck: WARNING - router is in manufacturing mode, and can behave unexpectedly (did you mess with your bootloader?

    Whether it's `388.4` or `388.7`, the system log will show 'wanduck: WARNING - router is in manufacturing mode, and can behave unexpectedly (did you mess with your bootloader?)', which seems to have just happened recently because I noticed that no matter what, '' will always redirect...
  2. K

    only 3.3MB of free space left in the '/jffs' partition.

    There is only 3.3MB of free space left in the '/jffs' partition. I just flashed 388.7 onto the GT-AX6000 and encountered this issue. Could anyone tell me what's the situation?
  3. K

    deSEC DDNS update script

    I tried the method you mentioned but failed. Fortunately, cron is now running . When I installed amtm
  4. K

    Solved How to insert a startup script for Merlin custom scripts

    get it,the cron job is working now, thx !
  5. K

    Solved How to insert a startup script for Merlin custom scripts

    had changed,and it working now。 The current challenge is that the "/jffs/scripts/" script cannot be executed at bootup. I have already edited it into the "/jffs/scripts/init-start" script, which contains the following: "#!/bin/sh . /jffs/scripts/" ,manually...
  6. K

    Solved How to insert a startup script for Merlin custom scripts

    “/jffs/scripts/“” is my mod
  7. K

    Solved How to insert a startup script for Merlin custom scripts

    this scripts is MOD by myself
  8. K

    Solved How to insert a startup script for Merlin custom scripts

    i install Asuswrt-Merlin 388.7 is the same case
  9. K

    Solved How to insert a startup script for Merlin custom scripts

    Like this?need reboot system ? The content "services-start" is written as : #!/bin/sh sleep 30 /jffs/scripts/ When I manually execute "", it works fine. However, it is strange that the scheduled task still does not run. The relevant code is as follows: The...
  10. K

    deSEC DDNS update script

    It looks like a scheduled task, shouldn't it be inside the cond job ? "ini_ start" seems to be used for starting the project on boot,Although my scheduled task is currently not working.
  11. K

    Solved How to insert a startup script for Merlin custom scripts

    I want to insert a startup script for Merlin custom scripts. Do I just need to add the script to the next line of "/jffs/scripts/init-start"? For example, /jffs/scripts/ Thank you everyone! I'm attempting to execute a custom cron job path at startup, which will then trigger the...