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  1. D

    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    here is the result of the command Just a reminder that I installed 1.0.12 not through amtm rather directly through curl sh line you provided. After that I found that my only route to upgrade was to re use that command again for each update.
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    I don’t see anything unusual in the log file. Writing the txt file was unproblematic (the one which I deleted before). I ran the update (twice) and it says that it is downloading version 1.0.19 but I keep ending with 1.0.18 instead. What I only noticed is that in amtm update menu that amtm takes...
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    I ran update twice and after both times I’m still in 1.0.18. Updated version showing empty like last picture I ran the command in the picture attached. It looks normal. I would like to add that I’m connected to the device remotely through Tailscale and during the update processes and tailmon...
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    I’ve deleted the file which’s contents were 1.0.12 Update showed empty updated version. I went through with the update but it turned out that it just reinstalled the same version 1.0.18 and returned again to suggest 1.0.12 as the update version. If I would click yes to update it would now...
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    since 1.0.12 where I installed Tailmon manually through curl --retry 3 "" -o "/jffs/scripts/" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/" I’m only able to update it manually by running the command again On update Menu...
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    Here is an example. When I set a value through the command line and then I do a restart from tailmon it throws an error because it wants to restart without the values I have set so I copy the line and do it outside of tailmon and it works with no error but then when I login to tailmon screen...
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    if you are referring to the “Tailscale connection command line” I’ve noticed that whatever I set in the terminal (for example tailscale set - - xxx) it would not reflect and be updated there. But if I run “tailscale debug prefs” it will show what changes I have made. Do you think my settings are...
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    I was thinking are are the proper steps to remove Tailscale and re install it? Should I go this path? Entware was installed through amtm.
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    I switched both to kernel mode to no avail. I also deactivated the exit node (I only use it on demand, each network should use its own local internet and I only want the devices to have interconnectivity). Could it be that tailmon is blocking me from changing the setting with tailscale set...
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    Yes I tried both values. Now I changed them to true. I came across this link and was optimistic that your suggestion regarding --stateful-filtering would be the answer to my issue but that was not the case
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    I did tailscale down tailscale up --reset && tailscale up --accept-routes --advertise-routes= --snat-subnet-routes=false --stateful-filtering=false --accept-dns=false That gave me “Some peers are advertising routes but --accept-routes is false” So I did tailscale set...
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    Thank for your reply. I lost remote connection to one router as I was switching static routes off and it dropped from Tailscale. It seems I’m stuck now until I would be physically there in front of that router to do a restart which I can do in 10 hours. @ColinTaylor : thanks I’ll try your...
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    TAILMON TAILMON v1.0.19 -June 19, 2024- WireGuard-based Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor (Now available in AMTM!)

    Hello I’ve been asked to move my question here even though I don’t think it was Tailmon related per-say but rather in setting up Tailscale for site to site. But maybe someone here will be able to guid me. I need help to setup a Site-to-site connection using Tailscale (1.66.4) with two...