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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. V

    Solved how to troubleshoot: For certain DNS servers, DNS not resolving on clients, but do resolve on router

    @bbunge : Firmware: Version: 2.410 I believe it's the latest. Below are the other DNS related options set. Indeed, DNSSEC is enabled. I just tried disabling, and testing the other DNS servers that were not working and they are working now. Looks like this was it -...
  2. V

    Solved how to troubleshoot: For certain DNS servers, DNS not resolving on clients, but do resolve on router

    I have been using cleanbrowsing DNS servers, configured in my GT-AX11000 WAN DNS settings, and has been working for a few months. Clients are configured to use the router as DNS. Suddenly stops working (clients no longer have DNS resolution). Tried to play around with the WAN DNS options in the...