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  1. V

    Another RT-AX86U Slow Speeds (<400mbs)

    Sorry said that in the wrong order. I reset to factory after upgrading firmware. Only thing I changed was my SSID and split the signal into 2.4/5 G. I can definitely try it again but that'll have to wait till next weekend when I'm home alone again.
  2. V

    Another RT-AX86U Slow Speeds (<400mbs)

    Haha I was confirming that I don't have that option.
  3. V

    Another RT-AX86U Slow Speeds (<400mbs)

    I tried plugging directly into the ONT and it did not work. How hard is the PPPoE connection configuration? (I'm a newb to networking) but decent at following directions. I looked up the directions on asus and it seems simple enough but also that I'll need to log into the pppoe on every...
  4. V

    Another RT-AX86U Slow Speeds (<400mbs)

    Doesn't look like I have that option.
  5. V

    Another RT-AX86U Slow Speeds (<400mbs)

    My RT-AX86U is only putting through <400mbs. I have centurylink fiber with a C4000BZ modem/router provided by them. My entire system is hardwired with all new Cat6 cable. I tested each one directly out of the C4000BZ into my pc ethernet adapter and got 800-900mbs. Then c4000bz -> RT-AX86U ->...