firewall rules

  • SNBForums Code of Conduct

    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. P

    Firewall on RT-AX86U blocking RTRR Server

    Hi, I am about to go crazy.... please help! The IPs/ports are changed for security reasons. I need to backup data from NAS1 to NAS2 on a scheduled basis (NAS: QNAP using HBS3 backup program). For that i have a RTRR Server running on NAS2 with the port 1234 and now need to set up the backup-push...
  2. C

    Plex Pass though to IOT Network

    I would like to have my Plex server available to my IOT devices (TV;s) that are separated from my normal network but still on the same router (rt-ax86u pro) My home network is setup on and the guest and IOT network is setup on not sure how to safely do this other...
  3. M

    Advance firewall rules

    Hello I have sereval subnet on my asus merlin router Wan | Lan Iot (Wifi) Guest(Wifi) The actuel config page "Advanced_Firewall_Content.asp" allow only a whitelist or blacklist and all...