So, there was a sale on ac88s recently, so I moved on up. Great machine, running latest Merlin 384.4 firmware. Significant other kept complaining about connectivity issues. Did a wifi scan from another device, and the 2.4 GHz SSID was not there. Hmmm, I was using the smart connect feature, so I dumped that, and split the SSIDs to two different names. Few hours, and no 2.4 GHz SSID again. Saw the remarks about the airtime fairness and beam forming problems so I tried disabling them one at a time, waiting, waiting, waiting, but same behavior. Then I read that someone way back in 2015 had this issue on an ac68 and set 2.GHz bandwidth to 20 MHz (only) and it stabilized. I did this and, what do ya' know, it's been stable for a week now. According to this person it is an ASUS code problem (not Merlin) and it appears ASUS has their collective heads buried in the sand on the issue. Wondering if anyone else has seen this, or if possibly I've lost the hardware lottery, and just have a poor quality wifi TX system?