I need assistance with some pretty bad wireless latency on 382.1.2 (entire 382 branch really) on my ac3100. After upgrade from 380.69 (and earlier 380 revs) the device for the most part acts noramlly. After about 1/2 a day though wireless latency and response times go through the roof. Basically from sub 10ms latency to 200+ ms latency. It appears to be limited to wireless only. This is the second time i had to go back to the 380 branch of the code. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
many thanks,
I need assistance with some pretty bad wireless latency on 382.1.2 (entire 382 branch really) on my ac3100. After upgrade from 380.69 (and earlier 380 revs) the device for the most part acts noramlly. After about 1/2 a day though wireless latency and response times go through the roof. Basically from sub 10ms latency to 200+ ms latency. It appears to be limited to wireless only. This is the second time i had to go back to the 380 branch of the code. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
many thanks,