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5gz- still knocking to the same door

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Regular Contributor
Dear Merlin,

Probably same forums people are discussing same issues on same forums...
Can you let us know about 5 Gz and WPA range to compare- Merlin's , Asus (guess the same (?) and Tomato- Shibby; Toastman builds.

I know this is forum dedicated to your FWs, but I would be appreciated to know if you have noticed differences? and what kind?
Not sure if it will answer the question you are looking for but Asus tech staff made videos showing the router's performance and comparing distance throughput and they are posted on youtube. I know, youtube? None-the-less they are there.

I watched part of one and can't tell you for sure if they used WPA as part of their test scenario. What I can tell you is this router is quite a router and has a very great range especially with the Asus external adapter.
still to the same door open


I just read recently your story on Linksys...about your struggle with this router with Toastman's 64k fw. Fascinating.
Could you describe shortly difference in performance you got now vs stock fw maybe...? 5Gz mode is especially what I am interested in.
Not sure why but I had a few momentary pauses in page loads with Tomato. Not sure what the right word is or exactly how to describe it. Maybe lag?

None what-so-ever with Merlin's.

I do not need all the extended features in Toastman's or Shibby's builds. I use DHCP static assignment and external storage. Can't say I've even messed with looking at traffic graphs, all that stuff.

QOS not an issue for me either. If one of my "users" is taking up too much band width I can go to that person and slap them on the back of the head. Much better long term effect.... :)

The Tomato's that have the dhcp static assignment piece it is better then Asus/Merlin's. It is not that hard to do in Merlin's FW. It does take more steps and saving, etc.

But the couple of lags I had with Tomato make using Merlin's a no-brainer.

I have a couple of dual mode laptops. They scream on 5ghz channel. Not sure about distance however. Every place in my home and in my back yard has coverage at great speeds. Hardly technical I know. But does indicate performance and coverage is quite satisfactory.

Wish list for Merlin's:

1. Streamline/simplify the static dhcp process.
2. Tweak the way we can manage files, etc., on the drive storage both internal SDHC and external so that we can hide the root directory without needing to setup authorized access account.

That's about it.

I get paid this Friday and am a FIRM believer in supporting folks like Merlin. Early on I made some contributions to Vitek and the early Tomato iterations.

Merlin's FW is stable, consistent, is flexible, provides what I need, Merlin is responsive as well, and we don't lose the Asus core on our routers so we can stay in the Asus loop.

I know other folks have different needs and find Tomato versions more in sync with their application. For me however Merlin's is my choice.
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"your struggle with this router with Toastman's 64k fw. Fascinating. "

I'm very thankful that someone else posted that they had similar issues. Some of the "elitist" shall we say seem to think they are always right and we lowly peons are always wrong.
knock about 5Gz

Me, and some colleague on this forum page reported issue with 5Gz mode at Merlin and stock FW.
Some devices do not identify it or signal is weaker than expected, maybe in correct channel is set up.(Philips TV for example was working perfect on Victek's at e3000... It is very common with this router also at DDWRT if I got it correct.
Did you have 5 Gz problem with Toastman's or Shibbie's?
Dear Merlin,

Probably same forums people are discussing same issues on same forums...
Can you let us know about 5 Gz and WPA range to compare- Merlin's , Asus (guess the same (?) and Tomato- Shibby; Toastman builds.

I know this is forum dedicated to your FWs, but I would be appreciated to know if you have noticed differences? and what kind?

I can't really comment on Tomato since I never tried the RT-Nxx versions of it (my last experience with Tomato goes a few year back, on a WRT310N).

Asuswrt and Asuswrt-Merlin should have the same range - exact same driver, and no change to the low-level settings of the radio. I suspect Shibby should be very similar since it's the same driver, however I don't know if advanced features such as AiRadar are enabled in these builds or not.

Dear Merlin,

If I am not wrong you wrote that 5Gz range in Asus FW is limited due to legal issues for US region, which probably could be different in EU _ I am from.
Maybe it is not wireless driver only limits the range , but some legal things which are followed by Asus.

I would like to clarify/ understand if some Tomato has no such limits...
I had no problems with Linksys e3000 running on Viktek;s before joining the Asus club...
So where the difference lies?
I know with Tomato folks use the Singapore setting for their region. Opens up additional channels, some other stuff.

Wonder what would happen if you set the 66U with Merlin's FW to the Singapore time zone?

currently i am on stock 220 fw, but looks it should same on Merlin's.
limitation on Asus 5G are from channels from 36 to 48 and on Tomato - see below.
If wireless drivers are the same- channels also possibly- but on tomato -
1) Auto
2) 40 – 5.200 GHz
3) 48 – 5.240 GHz
4) 56 – 5.280 GHz
5) 64 – 5.320 GHz
6) 153 – 5.765 GHz
7) 161 – 5.805 GHz

Merlin wrote that only change of nvram settings can change also range of 5 Gz. Am I correct?
by this way
nvram get pci/1/1/ccode=EU
nvram get pci/2/1/ccode=US
nvram get wl0_country_code=EU
nvram get wl1_country_code=US
nvram get regulation_domain=EU
nvram get regulation_domain_5G=US
nvram commit
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Yes - the pci/2 and wl1 entries of this list are specific to the 5G radio.

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