I have two RTN66U routers connected with a reverse SSH tunnel. Router # 1, at a remote location, is running ddwrt in repeater mode. The only internet access at that location is through the homeowners association via wireless. I do not have access to the HOA router to setup port forwarding. There is a webcam plugged into router # 1 to provide remote monitoring. I run a script on router # 1 to setup a reverse SSH tunnel to router # 2 using the following command: "ssh -l root -g -y -f -N -T -i /jffs/etc/config/myprivatekey -R \*:5081: myusername@mysystem.com -K 300 >>/tmp/log_ssh 2>&1". I use noip.com for DDNS access to mysystem.com. On router # 2 at mysystem.com running Merlin, I have both the "Allow SSH Port Forwarding" and "Allow SSH access from WAN" options set to "Yes". If I use tinyCam Monitor on my phone to access the webcam at mysystem.com:5081 while connected to router # 2, everything works great, but when attempting to access the webcam with the phone on 4G, I get only timeout errors. Can anyone offer any advice as to what settings I need to change to allow me to access the webcam with my phone while on 4G?