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AdGuardHome Adguard not working

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Regular Contributor
Hi all,

So I installed Adguard and got it configured with my clients, all was working fine until I had to restart the router.

Now I cannot access the routers site on Launching Adguard via amtm shows the configs page but if I click reconfigure I get to restarting Adguard and it just sits there and it comes back with nothing from the router.

I checked the system log and see it starting then 11 seconds later stop with an interrupt.

I cannot install-reconfigure or uninstall.

My last resort would be a router factory reset, But hoping you peeps have some useful guidance I could try before this.
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Well given all the addons you have listed in your signature, I'd say you eventually created a conflict. Given these are third-party addons from different authors, such conflicts are inevitable, since there's little to no coordination between those authors. And it's just too darn easy to have one step on the other, particularly on bootup when they all must share the same Merlin event hooks.

Time to start digging down to find that conflict. And hopefully you performed a backup before such major changes.
P.S. At the very least, I would do a factory reset, then ONLY install AdGuard and see if it works normally. If it does, then surely there is a conflict w/ some other addon.

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