As the title says, I've been having this issue with AdGuardHome. If I'm remembering correctly, I first noticed it when I updated amtm a couple months ago (don't remember to which version unfortunately). I rebooted my router (I do it weekly, just to keep things fresh) and then after a while I found out AdGuardHome wasn't running.
The AdGuardHome installer module in amtm doesn't report anything special, and instead points me to the web ui as it normally does:
Of course the web ui isn't running either. Doing a ps in the terminal, there's at least 10-20 entries of the following processes:
spread across the whole list with various pid's, from early ones , right after the reboot, to the latest.
Trying to start the service manually with the recommended commands doesn't do anything (besides spawning more of the above processes):
The only way to get AdGuardHome to start running again is to completely uninstall it via amtm and then reinstall it, I haven't figured out any other solution.
When it runs, it works fine and without any issues, until the next reboot. Neither do I have anything else malfunctioning in the router. I've tried even removing AdGuardHome's left-overs after the uninstall (e.g. its configuration file and anything else I can find), but it doesn't make a difference.
Neither is there any issue with its installation/uninstallation, they work as they should. Regarding versions of stuff, I keep everything updated as soon as amtm notifies me, so assume I have the latest versions of firmware, AMTM and the rest of the scripts.
It's not a huge deal to reinstall it after each reboot, it's just a bit weird. Though once, after a reboot, it wouldn't start even after reinstalling it, the installer would get stuck at the "Checking AdGuardHome... dead", at least during I waited for 30-60 mins. It suddenly started after the 5th-6th un- and reinstall.
Anyway, any help or pointer to the right direction would be greatly appreciated
As the title says, I've been having this issue with AdGuardHome. If I'm remembering correctly, I first noticed it when I updated amtm a couple months ago (don't remember to which version unfortunately). I rebooted my router (I do it weekly, just to keep things fresh) and then after a while I found out AdGuardHome wasn't running.
The AdGuardHome installer module in amtm doesn't report anything special, and instead points me to the web ui as it normally does:
Info: Detected GT-AX11000 router.
Info: Detected Linux platform.
Info: Detected ARMv8 architecture.
Info: JFFS custom scripts and configs are already enabled.
Info: DNS Environment is Ready.
Info: AI_VERSION=v1.7.4
Info: ADGUARDHOME_VER=v0.107.54
Info: Run Option 1 to if you want to change builds or upgrade when updates are available.
Info: To visit AdGuardHome,
Info: please go to
Of course the web ui isn't running either. Doing a ps in the terminal, there's at least 10-20 entries of the following processes:
6444 myusername 3424 S < {S99AdGuardHome} /bin/sh /opt/etc/init.d/S99AdGuardHome monitor-start
39383 myusername 3424 S < {S99AdGuardHome} /bin/sh /opt/etc/init.d/S99AdGuardHome monitor-start
spread across the whole list with various pid's, from early ones , right after the reboot, to the latest.
Trying to start the service manually with the recommended commands doesn't do anything (besides spawning more of the above processes):
20:16 /tmp/home/root :: pidof AdGuardHome
20:18 /tmp/home/root :: /opt/etc/init.d/S99AdGuardHome check
Checking AdGuardHome... dead.
20:18 /tmp/home/root :: service start_AdGuardHome
20:18 /tmp/home/root :: /opt/etc/init.d/S99AdGuardHome check
Checking AdGuardHome... dead.
20:18 /tmp/home/root :: /opt/etc/init.d/S99AdGuardHome start
20:19 /tmp/home/root :: /opt/etc/init.d/S99AdGuardHome check
Checking AdGuardHome... dead.
The only way to get AdGuardHome to start running again is to completely uninstall it via amtm and then reinstall it, I haven't figured out any other solution.
When it runs, it works fine and without any issues, until the next reboot. Neither do I have anything else malfunctioning in the router. I've tried even removing AdGuardHome's left-overs after the uninstall (e.g. its configuration file and anything else I can find), but it doesn't make a difference.
Neither is there any issue with its installation/uninstallation, they work as they should. Regarding versions of stuff, I keep everything updated as soon as amtm notifies me, so assume I have the latest versions of firmware, AMTM and the rest of the scripts.
It's not a huge deal to reinstall it after each reboot, it's just a bit weird. Though once, after a reboot, it wouldn't start even after reinstalling it, the installer would get stuck at the "Checking AdGuardHome... dead", at least during I waited for 30-60 mins. It suddenly started after the 5th-6th un- and reinstall.
Anyway, any help or pointer to the right direction would be greatly appreciated