New Around Here
All asus routers have a process named asd for some security check, but it has bug in feature of blockfile, this may wastes your CPU time and reduces the life of your router's flash.
When copy file in blacklist(for example: frpc) to /jffs/, if file size bigger than 10240, file will be move to /jffs/asd in fucntion _dump_malicious_script, but this will cause inotify file watcher do blockile check again. Finally, you will get a infinite loop.
I have report this bug to ASUS.
You can fix it by patch code in function _dump_malicious_script.(change backup dir from /jffs/asd to /jffs/.asdbk)
Asuswrt does not provide asd and source code, so you can only patch the binary file or runtime memory.
When copy file in blacklist(for example: frpc) to /jffs/, if file size bigger than 10240, file will be move to /jffs/asd in fucntion _dump_malicious_script, but this will cause inotify file watcher do blockile check again. Finally, you will get a infinite loop.
I have report this bug to ASUS.
You can fix it by patch code in function _dump_malicious_script.(change backup dir from /jffs/asd to /jffs/.asdbk)
Asuswrt does not provide asd and source code, so you can only patch the binary file or runtime memory.
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