I have issue with 160ghz with or my wifi card or with the router rt-ax88u.
When i switch to 160ghz in the router my card change to channel 36 always and ignoring the channel i choose in the router.
When i change it back to 80ghz in the router my card accept the channel i have chosen in the router.
Therefor i cant use 160ghz on the card and take advantage of the 2.4 link speed.
Can someone advise if there is something i can do or is it a country blocked from asus?
Can i move to U.S firmware if i want to?
Laptop C-940 Lenovo
OS Windows 10 pro build 2004 (installed fresh today).
Wifi card intel AX-200 160ghz
Router Asus RT-AX88U with merlin 384.18 firmware
Location Israel
Internet speed 1000/100 Mb
Thanks for the helpers
I have issue with 160ghz with or my wifi card or with the router rt-ax88u.
When i switch to 160ghz in the router my card change to channel 36 always and ignoring the channel i choose in the router.
When i change it back to 80ghz in the router my card accept the channel i have chosen in the router.
Therefor i cant use 160ghz on the card and take advantage of the 2.4 link speed.
Can someone advise if there is something i can do or is it a country blocked from asus?
Can i move to U.S firmware if i want to?
Laptop C-940 Lenovo
OS Windows 10 pro build 2004 (installed fresh today).
Wifi card intel AX-200 160ghz
Router Asus RT-AX88U with merlin 384.18 firmware
Location Israel
Internet speed 1000/100 Mb
Thanks for the helpers