Is there a list or chart of how the different asus/merlin routers stack up to each other, for like ram/processing/wifi capabilities, features, limitations, etc ?
Is the 'best' simply the highest/newest/most expensive model number?
Is there a 'best bang for buck' model, that is relatively cheap/easy to get, is powerful enough for all or most features, and isn't about to fall off the supported list?
stuff like; dual/multi-wan, modern usb modem/hotspot support, any port bonding (lacp), things that might be supported on a higher end device that isn't supported on the older/lower devices.
Is there any other models (besides the no longer supported list), that have known issues and/or 'gotchas' that one should be aware of before purchasing that might warrant considering a different model ?
I've reviewed the wiki and various readme's and change logs over time but didn't see anything that makes any specific recommendations or warnings (other than being legacy/unsupported).
My own experience involves the legacy 66 models, and recently the ac68/tmoconversion.
I bought the ac68 on whim while it was on sale, without any research other than seeing it could be converted and was on the merlin supported list.
I'd like to be better informed about the other merlin supported routers.
Thanks for any feedback.
Is the 'best' simply the highest/newest/most expensive model number?
Is there a 'best bang for buck' model, that is relatively cheap/easy to get, is powerful enough for all or most features, and isn't about to fall off the supported list?
stuff like; dual/multi-wan, modern usb modem/hotspot support, any port bonding (lacp), things that might be supported on a higher end device that isn't supported on the older/lower devices.
Is there any other models (besides the no longer supported list), that have known issues and/or 'gotchas' that one should be aware of before purchasing that might warrant considering a different model ?
I've reviewed the wiki and various readme's and change logs over time but didn't see anything that makes any specific recommendations or warnings (other than being legacy/unsupported).
My own experience involves the legacy 66 models, and recently the ac68/tmoconversion.
I bought the ac68 on whim while it was on sale, without any research other than seeing it could be converted and was on the merlin supported list.
I'd like to be better informed about the other merlin supported routers.
Thanks for any feedback.