I've got a dual configuration Asus ZenWifi AC CT8. Overall pretty impressed with the setup. Copes with a fairly busy house, including concurrent Team sessions very very well.
Thanks to this forum I managed to switch off QoS (using command line) seeing as it was halving my 1 gig internet connection speed. Also deleted the traffic analyzer cache. Cheers for that tip.
Anyway three questions.
(1) I have the two devices using the 2nd 5ghz backhaul plus 1gig homeplugs and set to auto. Has anyone done this and just used the homeplugs so the 2nd 5ghz channel can be used.
(2) I am concerned that although the quad core CPU usage is very minimal my overall memory usage is very high (around 95%). I certainly havent got AIcoud, protection or QoS loaded. It does seem rather excessive. Is it or is it just me. And are there anything that might impact memory usage?
(3) network speed. As I have said having QoS enabled on a 1gig connection has a major impact on network speed. But is there anything else that can impact on this. I say this because I am measuring around 700Mbps (and yes I know you cant always rely on the speed testing).
Thanks to this forum I managed to switch off QoS (using command line) seeing as it was halving my 1 gig internet connection speed. Also deleted the traffic analyzer cache. Cheers for that tip.
Anyway three questions.
(1) I have the two devices using the 2nd 5ghz backhaul plus 1gig homeplugs and set to auto. Has anyone done this and just used the homeplugs so the 2nd 5ghz channel can be used.
(2) I am concerned that although the quad core CPU usage is very minimal my overall memory usage is very high (around 95%). I certainly havent got AIcoud, protection or QoS loaded. It does seem rather excessive. Is it or is it just me. And are there anything that might impact memory usage?
(3) network speed. As I have said having QoS enabled on a 1gig connection has a major impact on network speed. But is there anything else that can impact on this. I say this because I am measuring around 700Mbps (and yes I know you cant always rely on the speed testing).