Senior Member
Hi everyone,
I got my new Ax88u and it landed me into weird problem regarding 5ghz
First of all, i got it from Amazon UAE and it's my trusted source for stuff like this, now problem is i can't see 5ghz channels above 140 , and channels work in my territory are above ones, i can't see any region changing settings in wifi professional tab as well
I'm quite confident that it's not Chinese version as first start was English etc
Any help is highly appreciated
I got furstrated and tried every possible way like hard reset (wps button method), going back & forth merlin to official firmware etc but of no help
My devices can't see 5ghz
I got my new Ax88u and it landed me into weird problem regarding 5ghz
First of all, i got it from Amazon UAE and it's my trusted source for stuff like this, now problem is i can't see 5ghz channels above 140 , and channels work in my territory are above ones, i can't see any region changing settings in wifi professional tab as well
I'm quite confident that it's not Chinese version as first start was English etc
Any help is highly appreciated
I got furstrated and tried every possible way like hard reset (wps button method), going back & forth merlin to official firmware etc but of no help
My devices can't see 5ghz