I currently have remote access setup with a ddns for ftp/ssh/MySQL while away from my house. Today I signed up for a pptp vpn service to make things a little more secure but I'm having trouble connecting to my ftp etc. remotely after I have the vpn activated. Is this even possible or what am I missing? I went to dyndns.org and manually updated my ip address to the one being displayed when I'm running through the vpn.
Thank you
*The only two settings I have changed are connecting to vpn client and updating my ip address on dyndns.org. I think the problem maybe that my wan ip and public ip are now different but im not sure.
Thank you
*The only two settings I have changed are connecting to vpn client and updating my ip address on dyndns.org. I think the problem maybe that my wan ip and public ip are now different but im not sure.