Adguardhome is very finicky about what ports you can bind to. They are strict depending on what kernel options are enabled. That is the reason I chose a high port number because I didn't know about the compatibility for each router. I hope the best for you on this endeavor though. Everyone here has given you the best advice.
(also you may have another application using the port you want, try running
netstat -nlp | grep "theportyouwant" to see if it is in use already because the wildcard bind address of means it binds to all.)
Here are the commands I recommend for AdGuardHome
service commands:
service {start|stop|kill|restart|reload}_AdGuardHome
alternative commands:
/opt/etc/init.d/S99AdGuardHome {start|stop|kill|check|restart|reload}
for checking if it is active:
/opt/etc/init.d/S99AdGuardHome check
And yes, recently I added the support for reload, which allows you to reload your
/etc/host(s) configurations without killing adguardhome process. Also, notice i didnt add check to the service command, because this does not actually display a visual clarification that the actual process is running because service commands run completely separate from terminal session.